CHP. 20 • Life of a Delinquent •

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After her art class, Y/N's teacher asked her to stay behind to help with some new equipment due to her being late that morning. The H/C-haired girl would have usually been annoyed at such an outcome, but today she wasn't feeling that spiteful. Y/N agreed to stay behind in exchang for a slip that would allow her to skip the next class and currently, she was carrying a bunch of boxes to one of the classrooms on the ground floor. As she entered, she didn't see any students so Y/N just walked right in. She strode all the way to the back of the classroom where she noticed the white supply wardrobe that the teacher told her about. Y/N began to unpack when suddenly, the door opened.

Y/N briefly turned around to look at who entered the classroom, but relaxed once she saw it was just another student. The girl had absolutely no emotion on her face and she was walking much too stealthily for Y/N's liking, but the H/C-haired girl merely shrugged and continued with her task. As Y/N rummaged through the art boxes she heard the girl giggle slightly, which brought Y/N's attention back to her. Y/N's eyes widened in surprise once she witnessed the student pull out a green bottle of toxic liquid and sprinkle it over an unattended bento box.

Suddenly, she black-haired girl looked up to meet Y/N's gaze and instantly her eyes turned angry. The student picked up her green bottle and began walking towards the H/C-haired girl with a murderous expression. However, a quick buzzing of her phone brought the girl out of whatever strange state she was in, causing her to take it out and read what appeared to be a text message. The girl's eyes remained emotionless as she turned to Y/N. She quickly bowed in apology and excused herself from the presence of the H/C-haired girl, causing Y/N to merely raise an eyebrow at her strange behaviour.

"What a weirdo" she mumbled, but smirked slightly once she realised exactly what the girl did, "a vengeful one, eh?" Y/N looked back towards the door that she saw the girl leaving through and smirked. Perhaps the students here weren't that bad after all? Y/N wondered what could have happened to the girl that would lead her to spike somebody's lunch, but didn't stress the situation further.

After she was done unpacking, Y/N walked back to the art room to return the cardboard boxes to the teacher. The kind woman thanked her for the help and Y/N was excused to wander the halls for the remainder of the period. As she walked, Y/N was lost in her own thoughts, but suddenly, somebody poked her sides, causing her to yelp.

"Umeji!" she exclaimed, playfully hitting him on the shoulder as he chuckled. The blonde raised his hands as a sign of surrender, before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and bringing her in for a side hug.

"How are you this morning?" Umeji asked, looking at Y/N genuinely. This was another thing the H/C-haired girl loved about him - how truly interested he was in her.

"I'm alright I suppose, if it weren't for the fact that Osoro was suspended this morning I would have been perfect."

Umeji gained a surprised expression on his face. "Wait... when did this happen?" he asked slightly shocked. How come he didn't hear about this yet? Y/N sighed and smirked half-heartedly.

"I think she tried to smuggle in some cigarettes, but was caught by the gym teacher. You know that woman doesn't stand for any rule breaking" she muttered with a slight roll of her eyes. Umeji nodded and laughed lightly while shaking his head.

"It's the life of a delinquent for all of us, isn't it?" he asked rhetorically, causing Y/N to grin.

"Yeah, something along those lines."

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