CHP. 12 • Collapsing •

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The H/C-haired girl couldn't help but stare at the newly dyed blonde in shock. Just two days ago, he was a a timid, nerdy guy who looked like he would never hurt anyone, yet right now, in front of her, he seemed to become the complete opposite. A fairly large portion of his face was covered by a white medical bandage, stretching from above his right eye, all the way down in a straight line, clearly hiding a wound. He had a narrow rectangular box strapped over his shoulders, in which Y/N assumed he kept a weapon. The E/C eyed girl stared at him, her mouth hanging open. Osoro stopped after feeling Y/N halt abruptly and turned to gaze in the direction she was looking in. Finally, her eyes landed on the five boys she helped out the previous day and lightly snorted at Y/N's face.

"See guys, every Y/N-chan is too speechless to approach you" she teased, patting Y/N on the shoulder. The H/C-haired girl winced from the physical contact, causing Osoro to send her an apologetic look. The group looked at Y/N questionably after not hearing any sarcastic comments in regards to their new appearance.

"Are you sure that's L/N? She seems almost too nice today" asked a boy with purple eyes, glaring at Y/N. Umeji didn't bother turning around to acknowledge his question and proceeded to scowl at Y/N, but internally he was confused. Why was she so... sickly looking today? In all honesty, the answer kind of scared him. What could possibly happen that would cause L/N of all people to become weak?

Suddenly Y/N began coughing violently. She bent over slightly to ease the convulsions in her stomach, but to no avail. Soon, Y/N was gasping and would have fallen to the ground had it not been for Osoro's arm. Her friend gasped in horror and quickly attempted to lift her up by the waist, but that action only seemed to make her coughing worse. Y/N squirmed and broke free from Osoro's grip, falling to the floor in the process. The blonde gasped and instantly reached for her.

Y/N was laying face down on the floor, shaking horribly. Although she had tended to her wounds the previous day, it seemed that they were far too deep to heal properly, leaving them open and still somewhat gushing blood. The crimson liquid began dripping from her parted mouth and Osoro's eyes widened frantically. She quickly went to remove Y/N's black school blazer, thinking that perhaps it was choking her, but instead, she was met with a gruesome sight. Covered from immediate view under her jacket, were Y/N's bandaged arms, which were now littered with large crimson splotches, making the wounds inside visible. Osoro quickly clasped a hand to her mouth in a silent scream. What the hell happened to her?

"GET THE NURSE! NOW!" she bellowed, causing the students around them to jump at the volume of her voice. Two of the delinquents nodded and quickly scrambled to get medical help, while the others continued to stare at the writhing girl on the floor. Umeji's eyes widened in horror, so much that he completely forgot about the facade he was supposed to be wearing.

"W-What... what happened to her!?" he exclaimed, staring at Osoro for an answer. However, the blonde ignored him as she was far too busy trying not to cry to answer him, but eventually, moisture built in her eyes regardless. Small tears fell down her cheeks just like they had many years ago, only this time, it was for the sake of her friend.

"I-I knew something was wrong... why didn't I do something! This is all my fault!" she exclaimed, beginning to cry. Umeji looked at Osoro with slight shock on his face.

"What do you mean 'something was wrong'? Did she do this to herself or... did someone else..." Umeji trailed off at this new revelation, staring down at the pain-filled expression on Y/N's face as she convulsed on the floor. Was this why... could this be the reason why she acted like she did?

Umeji wasn't sure, but what he did know was that nobody deserved to live in fear. Not even his own bully.

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