CHP. 21 • Poisoned •

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It was finally time for lunch and Y/N sighed in contempt at the prospect of only having two classes left. She quickly packed her bag and left the somewhat stuffy classroom. It was a huge relief to get out of there because that day, their biology teacher decided to give them a test, making the H/C-haired girl positively exhausted. As Y/N walked through the hallways, she was suddenly alerted by the buzzing of her phone. She looked down, only to see that Osoro was calling her. Y/N looked around before swiftly accepting the call and pressing the phone to her ear.

"Hey, look who decided to call, is it truly you my friend?" Y/N spoke, earning a light chuckle from her best friend.

"Seriously Y/N?" Osoro asked and Y/N could just about imagine the blonde raising an eyebrow. The H/C-haired girl shook her head and decided to head over to the school roof so that she could talk to her friend uninterrupted.

"Yeah... while we're on the topic of 'seriously', why the hell did you try to smuggle cigarettes into school? I mean I get it, but you should have at least had the brains to hide them from the gym teacher."

Osoro gasped on the other line and proceeded to exclaim in a shocked voice. "Wait! How on earth do you know about that!?" she asked, startled. Did the news spread that fast around the school? Y/N chuckled.

"Relax, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, I'm sure no one else saw the scene" she explained, picking at her nails briefly. She could hear Osoro sigh on the other end followed by a small laugh.

"God! For a second there I thought that the entire school witnessed that! Although" she added as a sidenote, "that act could have boosted my reputation to make me the scariest student in school. Did I look frightening enough?"

Y/N smiled and rolled her eyes. "Sure, of course my friend. You always look scary and that scowl of yours... oh my..." she replied sarcastically, earning another laugh from the blonde delinquent.

"Jeez, thanks for that great analysis, I sure needed it" Osoro chuckled, before sighing and plopping onto her her bed. Y/N was about to reply when suddenly a strangled coughing noise brought her attention to a nearby bench. She glanced around, only to notice a raven haired boy holding his stomach and choking on his food. Y/N raised an eyebrow, but then noticed the same emotionless girl from the classroom that morning and Y/N instantly put two and two together. The H/C-haired girl chuckled darkly, causing Osoro to become confused on the other line.

"What are you laughing at? It sounds like you're witnessing a crime being committed."

Y/N merely smirked before replying. "That's because I am" she replied, making Osoro even more confused.

"Do elaborate" she spoke sarcastically, causing Y/N to roll her eyes at the blonde.

"Well to cut the story short, some student just poisoned another and now there's quite a bit of panic from the people he was sitting with" Y/N explained, causing Osoro to groan.

"Ugh, why is it when I'm in school nothing interesting happens, and then as soon as I miss a FEW HOURS, somebody dies" she exclaimed, earning a laugh from Y/N.

"Honestly I don't know, but this situation is absolutely priceless."

"You're not making me feel any better Y/N!"

The H/C-haired girl laughed a bit at her friend but then heard the school bell go off.

"Sorry, got to leave for class. I'll talk to you when I get to your house."

She heard Osoro sigh from the other end of the line. "It's you home too now Y/N, it's not like you're a stranger to us."

Y/N smiled, feeling unexplainably happier when Osoro said that. How she obtained such a good friend, she will never know.

"Thank you Osoro. For everything."

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