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Gloria was surprised by the soft knock at her bedroom door and more surprised when she opened it and saw Charlotte invite herself in.

"What's this?"

"I would like to talk to you about you and Victor."

"I don't think I have anything to talk to you about, concerning our personal lives, Charlotte."

"You may be surprised. It won't hurt to listen." Charlotte gazed at her and waited; a tiny smile at the corner of her mouth.

Gloria tightened her mouth and shrugged, wandering back to her bed and lying down, elbow on pillow.

Charlotte followed her, stopping at the end of the bed and leaning against it with her thighs. "I think we both know that Victor will never keep you around once his company wins this new contract."

"Do we?" She smirked.

"Victor needs me, Gloria, he doesn't need you, or soon won't. For both of us to get what we want we need to help one another."

"I've already got what I want, why should I help you?"

"Because you won't have it for long. The key to Victor's success in this deal is the company's program codes."

"And that means something to me how?"

"Without them, Enland is just another horse in a crowded race." Charlotte moved to the side of the bed.

"I still don't see where I should be helping you. If he gets his precious contract you'll benefit anyway so what gain is there in you 'helping' me?" Gloria stared at her husband's mistress. "Please don't tell me that all you want is love." She chuckled and flopped on her back, the chuckle turning into a laugh.

"Our relationship is a different kind of love, Gloria, and no, it's not all I want. Victor doesn't really need Enland, it's simply the lure of power. He has plenty of money now, much of it secured offshore. What I want is him to retire, with me."

Gloria sat up and gave her a shrewd look. "What is your game, Charlotte? When Victor gets the contract, and we both know he will, he'll revel in his new position of power and he won't want to retire; your situation won't change even if he dumps me."

Charlotte tilted her head and smiled. "My game is to see that Victor doesn't get to revel in that power. Without it, he as much said that he would pack it in and step out of the business."

"Well that sounds very good for you but what do I get out of that scenario?"

"I could influence a very generous settlement for you in your divorce. It's going to happen whether he succeeds or not. You may as well begin your new life with a comfortable sum of money even if the status changes."

The offer hung in the air between them and Gloria recalled Victor's earlier comment, Maybe it's time to think about letting the other rats race for a while. She quickly calculated the possibilities and just how trustworthy Charlotte would be and she posed that question.

"Supposing foiling his contract bid was possible, what guarantees do I have you won't screw me around as well?"

"To use your own threat, Gloria, what was it now? I would drag you and your mistress through the most media concentrated divorce proceedings you might imagine." Charlotte couldn't resist the smug smile at the look on Gloria's face. "Yes dear, I heard every word of your chat with Victor. I don't think we would want to risk that."

"Touché." Gloria studied the woman through new eyes. "Okay then Charlotte, just how do you propose to see that Victor doesn't get to revel in that power?"

The Price of GreedWhere stories live. Discover now