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Grover gnawed at his fingernail as he waited for Gloria to answer the phone. When she came on the line, he took a breath and asked how it went.

"He was rocked, brother. I told you."

"But what's he doing?"

"Being consoled by Charlotte." Gloria managed a small laugh. "What exactly did you say?"

"Just what we planned. I told him the amount and what I'd do if he didn't pay then I told him I would call back Tuesday noon."

Gloria chewed her lip. "Okay, this is the stress time. He said he was going to fire Milo and start divorce proceedings first thing Tuesday morning. We'll just have to wait and see what he does. I think he'll wait and see what he can do to save the situation; Victor doesn't bend easily."

"You said he would buckle, Gloria." Grover sounded wary.

"He will I'm sure of it. But the man has a lot to think about and very little time. If anything changes before you call again, I'll let you know right away. Fingers crossed, brother." They said goodnight and hung up, both excited and frightened at the same time.


Charlotte paced back and forth behind Victor, her high heels clicking noisily on the kitchen tiles. He leaned on the end of the huge island, his head hanging down and throbbing as she berated him for his stubbornness.

"I advised you some time ago to take your money and run, Victor. You just wanted to play the power game a while longer. How long did you think it could go on? Enland doesn't need you anymore and you don't need it."

"How the hell would I know something like that would happen?"

"It doesn't matter. If you fail to pay—"

"I couldn't if I wanted to. It would clean out most of my savings. Enland Company couldn't afford it right now either. Everything it owns is in assets, nothing liquid."

"If you fail to pay," she continued sternly, "the company still survives as a viable competitor; your codes are adaptable, Victor. Also, it leaves Gloria the choice of dragging our relationship into the public and winding up with nothing, or she accepts a comfortable divorce settlement in exchange for her silence. It's win win for you if you walk away, Victor."

"But what happens to me, my reputation? I've flogged this program from morning until night with the clients. To suddenly have Dynaflex show up with my program..."

The clicking stopped and he stiffened as her hand clamped on his shoulder. He shuddered. The hand clamped tighter and Victor felt his legs go weak. He tried to turn but her grip increased and he sagged down the side of the counter to the floor on his knees. Charlotte took his face in her hand and twisted it around, forcing him to look into her eyes as she bent down.

"You will tell this man when he calls that you refuse to pay and you will get this divorce over with. Am I clear?" The fingers squeezed his jaw.

"Y-yes, Charlotte." She let go and he dropped his head, nuzzling her feet. She straightened up and smirked down at his huddled form.

"What has your detective dug up?"

"I'm waiting for him to call," he mumbled. "I only put him on it a few hours ago, Charlotte."

"What do you expect to learn that you think you need? You're giving her an advantage you know by wasting time."

"Whether it was her that stole the copy."

"Don't be naïve. Gloria isn't fool enough to admit to something like that when it exposes her to criminal charges."

She picked up her whip from the counter and tapped the handgrip on his back. "I have said my piece, Victor, follow it or not, your choice. Just don't come whining to me later if you choose not to and things go bad. I won't be waiting around for the funeral." The whip uncoiled and she trailed it across the tiles as she strolled to the door. "If you do go ahead, make absolutely sure you have it all on visual and audio record."

The Price of GreedWhere stories live. Discover now