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Derrick's report to Victor didn't win him any points since the information he provided was in the hands of the lawyers and after the murder Derrick found nothing to add that he dared tell Victor. Gloria and Milo still had some telephone contact but the other part of their relationship seemed to have ended, no doubt, as a result of the divorce petition.

"The little shit hired a lawyer!" Victor raged.

"I think that was an impulsive mistake, sir. With the information you have he hasn't a leg to stand on."

"I'm not impressed with your data on Metcalf. Are you sure there is nothing else you want to tell me?"

Derrick swallowed. Did Victor know something? He thought about the disc but was too frightened now to say anything about it if there was still a chance to score off the divorce settlement.

"Nothing, sir. He was a programmer. He was your wife's brother and he was murdered. That's about it."

"I'll have a cheque in the mail by the beginning of the week."

"Am I finished?"

"As far as I'm concerned. If I need you again I'll call."


"You realize what you threw away don't you?" Victor spoke harshly. He tossed his newspaper aside and gathered his robe about his waist. Ironically, since the divorce filing, they had been sharing the breakfast hour, a newspaper and even coffee afterwards.

"I realize exactly what I'm going to miss... and it won't be you, Victor." He just glared. "I know what I signed when we married. I'm resigned to the fact that my financial status could suffer."

"And then some," He said nastily. "You and your departed brother made a huge mistake, Gloria; you will pay big time. And your lover accomplice will be crushed as well."

She knew Victor had no evidence connecting her to the theft of the codes; he had strong suspicions but nothing he could prove. As long as Milo and Cutter kept their mouths shut she could still come out of this with something. Victor was speaking and she refocused on his words.

"... of a lawyer was an insult to my intelligence."


"French, your little boy toy."

"Milo French just happened to share a common interest with me. It isn't as if you share yours with me; only dear Charlotte gets that privilege."

"With you it's just a cheap one time thrill." He said defensively. "I will see that you never profit from this. Tell that to your lover when you see him again. You'll probably swear my name every time you come." He got up, left the room without another word, and went straight to his study.

This attitude wasn't helping and she got up from the table and picked up her coffee, frowning at the empty cup. She had to come out of this with something. She needed the codes. The problem was she didn't have them. Grover had them, and now they were gone. Her cell rang and she quickly answered, seeing that it was Milo.

"What do you want?"

"Storeman is out of the picture. My new guy squashed the contract , no problem."

After their meeting, Milo had been overjoyed to get the money from Gloria for his new lawyer, who had acted immediately to cancel the contract with Storeman, collected his tidy fee and galloped off into the sunset. He hoped that it was not too late since it had cost him nearly every penny she gave him. He needed to come out of this with something more than that. He dithered over how to bring that up as her voice came down the wire. She reminded him that it was a loan, not a gift.

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