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Decided on two chapters together because the weekend looked busy for me

He picked up the copy of the codes and chuckled at the size of the item causing so much turmoil for so many. It had to end, he decided. He figured that if he just disappeared with the codes and waited until a better time, a better place and under his own conditions, he might just do himself a big favour. After all, what did he owe his sister? She never wanted anything to do with him unless it benefitted her. Well now it could benefit him, big time. He picked up his cell and dialed information for the airport.

The knock at the door surprised him and figuring it was housekeeping, or at any rate someone with the hotel, he opened the door immediately regretted his stupidity. Victor Enland barged in and went to the centre of the room, spinning around and pointing a blunt finger.

"You little game is up, Metcalf... and so is your sister's." Grover closed his eyes and sagged inside.

"Not only aren't you getting the ridiculous sum you asked for, you and that little creep, Milo French and your sister are all going to jail for theft and attempted blackmail... and she's getting the divorce from hell as well."

Grover only had one card to play and he played it. He told Victor if he went ahead with his charges, he would never see his codes again and Dynaflex would rule his world forever. Victor turned beet red and began swearing, barging past Grover and shouting that this business was far from over as he slammed out the door.

Charlotte stepped back into an alcove as Victor stomped down the hall to the elevators. When she saw him arrive, his face was set in a mask of determined anger and, hoping to be able to prevent him ruining everything, she followed him up to the fourth floor.

The row she had overheard was exactly what she feared Victor would do; he had absolutely no tact, no vision of how to persuade. Now it would be up to her. She slipped through the doors to the stairs and made her way slowly down to the lobby.


Sunshine, birdsong and just enough breeze to keep the air fresh along the busy streets of the downtown. Spring was testing the waters after winter's final slap at the city. Grover woke with a pounding headache and the annoying red light flashing on his telephone. He picked it up and asked for his messages. Gloria had called and two other people who left neither a name or a message.

He sat up and stared at the phone. Two other people? Who else would be calling him here? He grabbed his cell and saw that there was a voicemail message. The airport reservations had called and confirmed his seat on the Saturday morning, 8:15 flight. He cheered silently and dragged himself to the bathroom. One more day, he was sure he could get through that safely; he would just remain out of sight and silent.

Victor's visit had unnerved him but he could still beat the odds; he just needed until tomorrow morning. Washed and shaved, he took the time to smile at himself in the mirror. For the first time he was taking the lead in a role that could leave him untouchably wealthy and if Gloria tried to stop him she would be cutting her own throat as well as poor Milo's.

His next move would be to contact Dynaflex and offer them a deal. It didn't have to be three million; he wasn't greedy. He almost laughed until he nicked his chin with the razor.


The lawyer had called first thing Wednesday morning right after she had spoken to Milo; the divorce was a reality. Charlotte was getting her way after all. Victor was playing poker and gambling his precious codes. Gloria fretted over Milo's stupidity and where that would lead and the fact that she couldn't reach Grover.

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