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Charlotte's choice had been bang on. Milo French was like putty and she hadn't even stated her demand yet. For Milo, he couldn't believe how smoothly they had moved from an accidental meeting after work at the video store to a drink in the hotel lounge to this evening of rapture. The president's wife, for God's sake! Was this a lucky lightening strike or what?

He gasped as Gloria began a series of painful pinches along the inside of his thigh; his breathing accelerated and he urged her to continue. She continued with a few other ministrations and he emitted a soft moan then stared up at her; she was rolling back to her own side of the bed.

"We have to cool this for a while, Milo. I'm going through some serious business with Victor and I don't want him using this to his advantage in any way." His eyes widened and he felt a moment of panic. He couldn't lose her now, not now!

"What- why all of a sudden? How long? Why can't we still remain discrete? A minute ago you were--"

"I'll decide how long and no, discrete is not an option just now." Her voice hardened and she saw him cringe slightly then lick his lips.

"Is it really your husband or have I- did I do something...?" He pleaded, almost whining.

"Yes, it is Victor, but there is something you could do for me."

"Name it." He sat forward on one elbow.


It couldn't have been easier if he'd accompanied them to the room. Enland had told him tonight would be a chance to catch her in the act because he had said he wouldn't be home. She paid no attention to caution, even in a hotel where she was known; discretion was expected when gratuities were as large as those dispensed by Gloria Enland.

Milo French, the man joining her, was an employee in Victor's company and at first, Derrick couldn't believe the attraction; he was a lab technician. Small fish for the wife of the president, but then strange fish swam in strange waters. Nevertheless, here they were and he happily recorded every minute with his best equipment for filming and eavesdropping.

He was no stranger to S&M relationships and the sophisticated gadgetry provided solid proof. The client's suspicions were well founded, plus there was a juicy surprise. He returned to his home office and began work on the recorded information.

The collection of pictures, digitally enhanced, complimented the sound track he had recorded and he was feeling the rush of being part of something more than a simple adulterous tryst.

They discussed his client while Gloria Enland was physically driving her partner nuts. He heard her talking of divorce and pre-nuptials while Milo French fairly basked in the performance of his duties. When she mentioned that they might have to cool their relationship, he became upset and started mounting an array of excuses that began to sound like demands.

Gloria held up a hand and stated quite clearly what could happen if his sexual preferences became public information. Milo went all blubbery and started to panic but when she leaned down and whispered something the recording didn't pick up, he turned ashen and collapsed limply on the bed, nodding his head in surrender.

Derrick tried every trick he knew to enhance the sound but it was useless. Whatever she had whispered had a huge effect and in the next few minutes, Milo was reluctantly agreeing to try to meet her demand. His instinct told him that he should dig a little deeper into his client's affairs.

The old Enland files from previous jobs provided interesting information and he reread the notes he'd made about the company but never used. Then he went on line and looked up its current activities. His discovery of the competition for a massively lucrative contract expanded his thinking and it occurred to Derrick that, considering she was under scrutiny by a suspicious husband, Gloria Enland was not only screwing her husband's employee, she might well be screwing him in business too.

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