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When Grover arrived in town, he called from the hotel as planned and Gloria Immediately wanted to know what he had decided.

"Christ, Gloria, how about a hello, how are you?"

"I don't have time for social amenities, Grover, things have been changing dramatically."

"What things?"

"I want to know if you are on board, Grover!"

"What things, Gloria. I'm not committing to anything blind."

"I've got the codes, a copy at least."

"Already? How- never mind. Jesus, Gloria, I didn't think—"

"I told you I was serious. Now are you in or not?"

He wiped his face and stared at the hotel bed. What could happen? Worst case? Forget that, best case? Gloria was calling his name in his ear and he began to sweat as he procrastinated.

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

She grinned wildly, knowing he would give in. "I need you to contact Victor and tell him you want three million dollars or his codes go to his competitor uhm, Dynaflex."

"He's going to want proof, if he doesn't call the cops right away that is."

"We'll send him a partial copy of our copy if he does. And he won't call the police, trust me."

"Three million, Gloria, Jesus that's- that's a lot."

"No kidding. Just do as I say, Grover and we will each be laughing on a sunny beach somewhere very soon."

They discussed times and a script to cover any anticipated eventualities before ending the call. Grover sank onto the bed. What the hell was he doing? Three million dollars! He checked his watch and lay down to let his heart slow down and his mind return to focus. As soon as he got the copy he would burn a few lines of code onto a separate disc as proof in case he needed it.


Derrick sat in the bar and salved his wounded ego with three straight shots of scotch. A series of wet, ring patterns decorated the surface in front of him, an exercise in doodling with his glass. Not only had his little extortion plan run over a mine, he had forgotten about his promise to Della and she had let him know in no uncertain terms. There would be no more favours at the reception desk of the Addison.

There had to be another way to make this pay off. He cursed his stupidity in not checking the phone in the first place; it was sitting right there in the open. Some clever friggin' detective you are, he remonstrated privately. The scotch scalded his throat and he waved the bartender over and asked for a beer chaser.

Damn good thing he hadn't mentioned the recordings he had. Somebody would pay for what he knew. He paused with the beer part way to his lips. The recordings! He had edited them for Victor but he still had the originals and there was something on those that might just get him back in the game.

He chugged down his beer, tossed some money on the bar and hurried out to his car. Gloria and Milo wouldn't have been satisfied with what they had on him unless they thought they were safe. They thought he only had photos and that was his ace in the hole.

The idea formed and he began to see an approach that might work. Forget Milo, threaten her with the recorded material she didn't know about and only tell her husband the whole story if she balks. Bingo! Worst case could be a bonus for his diligent work. Cutter, you are a genius!

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