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Jarlayne waited by the door until she heard the knock and then, making sure it was the man in the picture, she unlocked the door and stepped back, indicating the invitation to come in.

Not a trusting soul, are you, Miss Brighton?" He stepped past her, holding up his badge, and gave the unit a professional scan. He was just a little taller than she was with sandy hair and bright eyes. Jarlayne liked bright eyes.

"Why should I be trusting?" She made a point of checking her watch then went to her coffee maker and poured a mug-full.

"Would you like one?"

"Oh that's great. Thanks, I missed mine this morning." He accepted the mug with surprise and pleasure and then stood by the kitchen island counter. "So did I pass some test?" He smiled and let his eyes wander to the computer where his photo sat staring blankly. "Not very flattering is it?"

She just watched him without speaking until he blinked and looked away, drinking from his mug to cover the gap. Hood couldn't get his mind in gear and he kept sipping the coffee while he tried to settle the almost teenage thrill of meeting the woman in front of him.

He had not been this close to someone as beautiful, collected and notorious as Jarlayne Brighton, and the muddle it made of his mind was very disconcerting.

"This is awfully early to be knocking on doors isn't it?" She came around the island, sat on a stool and nodded to one for him.

"Early bird and all that."

"And I'm the worm?" He waved a hand but she cancelled it with one of her own. "What about these questions you have? Am I in some kind of trouble?"

He responded immediately, before making another gaffe. "Do you know a man named Grover Metcalf?"

Jarlayne tensed slightly and sipped her coffee. Why did she know that late night phone call was going to amount to something more. "I do, did. Long ago in high school."

"Not since?"

"Hardly. Why?"

"Talk to him at all since school?"

She sighed and put down her mug. "Okay. You already know the answer or you wouldn't be here. Grover Metcalf called me straight out of the blue Friday night around eleven. He said he wanted to hire me, and before you ask, he never said what for.

I told him it was late. I was just in the shower and I wouldn't be going out anymore that night. He kind of pleaded, told me his room number at the Addison and hung up before I could reply." She sipped some more coffee. "I never went."

"Not curious?"

"Not enough to get all dressed again and drive downtown, but I am now."

"What about the next day?" Hood had a quick flash of her undressed and he gulped some more coffee.

"To tell you the truth, I really wasn't interested and I forgot about it. I have enough on my plate as it is." She smiled. "What is this about? Did something happen to him; I heard nothing on the news?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Please, Detective. I looked you up, remember? Homicide?"

He nodded, blushing, then gave the room another visual check before speaking. "Why do you think he would he call you after so many years?"

"I have no idea. He said he heard I was in the investigative business and just called."

"How did he sound? Was he scared or nervous?"

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