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Jarlayne watched the TV, breaking news account of the murder of Milo French and she felt the prick of a needle down her spine; it was a sensation she got when something she was involved with grew into a larger form of threat than expected. Not that it was specifically toward her but to the order of things surrounding her. Jarlayne liked to understand each stage as it happened, a logical progression of events that could be followed to a logical conclusion.

The circumstances surrounding the current murders failed that standard; the wrong people were in the wrong roles to her mind and it confronted her professional ability with a challenge she couldn't ignore.

She grabbed the phone. "Jill, bring in everything we have on Milo French in our files and get Gloria Enland on the phone. If she balks tell her it's about her brother." Jill appeared at her desk with a thin file and a finger pointing to the flashing light on her phone pad.

"Mrs. Enland, my name is Jarlayne Brighton. I left my card at your company the other day with a message to call me."

"I guess I didn't get it. What's this about my brother?"

"We attended school together. As a matter of fact, I recall you there as well. Of course you were a couple of years ahead."

"Is there a point to this or are you just tripping down memory lane?"

"The point, Gloria, is I want to know why Grover called me the night he was killed and wanted to hire me."

The silence went on for several seconds before she answered. "Grover called you?"

"That's why I'm asking. What did he want, and before we do the, darned if I know dance, I know all about the data scam and Milo French." She had to say Gloria's name again to get a response and when it came, the voice was flat.

"Just who are you exactly?"

"My name is Jarlayne Brighton and my company is Brighton Investigations. I was doing work for the lawyer Milo hired when he was fired."

"What work?"

"That's not for discussion, Mrs. Enland. My question is why did Grover call me the night he was murdered."

"Why do you think I would know anything about what Grover wanted?"

"Because you were both in cahoots and you were both talking only hours before he was killed. Something must have been evident for him to seek out a P.I. he hadn't seen for years and plead for help. And he did plead."

"I didn't talk to my brother and I'm sorry Miss Brighton, I can't help you." Ice cold.

"Or won't? What about the murder of Milo French."

Another, longer silence and then a quiet response. Did you say Milo was murdered?"

"It's on the morning news."

"I haven't- I didn't..."

"How do you think this will this affect your divorce trial?"

This time there was no silence, just an angry hiss. "I imagine it will eliminate a lot of testimony. Good day, Miss Brighton."

Jarlayne hung up and pursed her lips. "Wow! Cold." Jill came into the office and told her that she was wanted on another line and left without further explanation.


"Hi. It's me."

"I see you have another victim in your case." She went straight to business not wanting any personal chatter.

The Price of GreedWhere stories live. Discover now