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Hood sat at his kitchen table sipping one of the warm beers from his car trunk as he postulated an amendment to his theory. Gloria found Milo in the technical lab exactly how? He wrote the words on a large pad. What told her he was the one to approach? Milo mentioned a joining of like souls and a strong feeling for one another. Why? How? He underlined the last two words and sipped some more beer.

He confessed to being a disciple of sadomasochism; did that mean Gloria was as well? How would they know about the other? He started a new line and wrote in the name, Charlotte d'Bouvier – Mistress Nightwalk. Could there be a connection there? He set the pen down, finished the beer and carried the empty to the cupboard and placed in the carton with the others.

Before he could get back to his theory, Jarlayne popped into his head and he revisited their dinner together. This was becoming a problem he couldn't ignore. A pleasant one but still a problem. She was a huge distraction in every aspect of his life and he was in danger of blowing his last chance at redemption with the department by allowing it to happen.

Even Jarlayne was complaining about the intrusion into her work as well. This definitely had to be a signal that something much deeper was taking root for both of them. He shoved the thoughts aside and returned to the table.

He thought about Charlotte and her situation if the Enland Company collapsed. Victor was supporting her completely, the original reason probably long since forgotten or forgiven, but what would she do? Stick by him? Did she even need him? He drew another line and wrote underneath it, Gloria and Charlotte, then began itemizing his thoughts.

They both had an interest in sadomasochism.

Milo French was also a follower of the philosophy.

Gloria knew exactly who to approach in the lab. Did Charlotte provide the information?

Was Milo a 'client' of Charlotte's? Was she still active outside of Victor's relationship?

Did Charlotte and Gloria plot the whole scheme together?

What about Grover, was he just being used? Did he learn something that triggered suspicion, which led him to seek help from Jarlayne?

Jarlayne's face appeared again and he groaned inwardly, losing his train of thought. He got up and found another beer then returned to the table. A wall clock with a chime rang two-thirty in the morning and he swore silently, pushing the beer away. He looked at the list and frowned. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will sort this out sensibly. Tomorrow was Sunday. Crap!


Milo French kicked the magazine off his footstool and flopped down on the couch. It smelled of dust and age and he wrinkled his nose. He had dozed off and wakened with the remnants of a bad dream about his life. His TV was flickering a blue hue in the darkened room. The sky outside showed stutters of sheet lightning and he mentally counted the seconds before the thunder sounded. Winter had at last given up but its memory lingered on.

He wanted to sleep but his mind wouldn't shut down. A registered letter had been delivered to him advising him of the court date for the divorce hearing. He felt empty and defeated. Gloria elected to fight it in court, which meant Victor ignored the threat to sell his codes. Apparently he wasn't convinced.

Milo didn't have a snowball's chance now and it would all mean more notoriety, not exactly résumé material. Somehow he knew she was going to come out better than he ever could and that she would not be rushing to his aid with donations.

Another flash of light followed shortly by a crack that made him sit up and take notice. It sounded like something on the street might have taken a hit and he went to the window and peered out. Rain began slapping the glass and he lost sight of anything discernible. Another crack, not as loud but closer, had him going to the back bedroom to check the windows.

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