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Victor Enland insisted on attending Hood's interview with his wife, on the books she was also an employee of the company and he wasn't letting her talk to anyone without him knowing the content of the conversation.

"Sir, this is with regard to her brother's killing; it has nothing to do with you or your company."

"So you say. Either my way or the highway and my lawyer, Detective."

"Victor hasn't paid any attention to Grover's death, Detective." A flat out lie she knew, very well.

Hood assessed her calm features and then at the blank face of her husband and reluctantly agreed since he couldn't be sure that she would be available again without a lawyer now that she knew the police were sniffing around.

"Fine." Hood stared at Gloria across the table and calculated the best way to begin. "First of all, Mrs. Enland, I'm very sorry for your loss." His eyes slid up to Victor's while waiting for her to accept his condolence before continuing. "When did you learn about the incident?"

"It was on the news the Saturday morning and then a short time later the police contacted me."

"When did you last see your brother?"

"I haven't seen him for over a year, he worked out of town and we never really had a close relationship."

He made a note of her answer. "When did you speak with him last?"

She looked away and twisted her fingers. "He uh- he called me last week to say he was going to be in town."

"Were you going to get together?"

"I don't know. I was busy when he called and I told him I'd get back to him. I never did... in time."

Hood considered her a moment. If she didn't call, who did? "Do you know why he was in town?"

"Work related I think."

"How did he sound when you spoke?"

"Like Grover."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing special. Just a call that's all."

"Do you know anything about your brother's work, where he worked?" He saw her eyes flick up and away from her husband and she wet her lips.

"He uh, was a project manager or something."

"I asked where he worked."

"It was in the technical division of some company. In our home town, I think." Her eyes did another quick assay of her husband who was studying her intently.

"So you have no idea about anyone who might want to harm him or why?"

"No, I don't."

"Where were you on the night he was killed?"

She blanched and gave an involuntary shrug. "Uhm... home... in bed, at that hour."

Hood kept a straight face. No one had mentioned a time of death nor was it announced anywhere.

"Were you there as well, Mr. Enland?"

"No. I was at a conference with several other company owners. You can check with my secretary for the details." He motioned for Hood to hurry up.

Smug bastard. He turned back to Gloria. "So can anyone verify that you were at home... at that hour?"

She shrugged again. "I guess not. But I was."

"Mrs. Enland, is it true that your husband is suing you for divorce because you were having an affair with one of his employees?"

Her head snapped up and before she could speak, Victor's hand came down on the table like thunderclap. "That's enough. You said this had nothing to do with this company or me. You are done here, Detective."

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