Chapter Three

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Jake pressed himself against the wall of his booth as the men and woman, vampires, stalked over to where he was sitting. Their predatory smiles sent his heart racing with terror. Visions of being torn to pieces flashed before his eyes, the four gorging on his blood and entrails, tossed around like a helpless rag doll and having the bones in his body snap like twigs. This was it, he was going to die. These monsters were going to rip him apart and there was nothing he could do about it. Involuntarily, he let out a small whimper as they reached his table. Prophet slid into the booth across from him, with Deviant following behind. Mystic grabbed a chair and positioned herself at the end of the table. Much to Jake's horror, Destroyer decided to perch right beside him, that insufferable smirk on his face. He was surrounded with no escape. Not that there was much point in trying

Prophet, still smirking, reached up and tapped the light above the booth. It flickered to life, illuminating the five occupants. "Much better." He leaned forward, his arms folded on the table, the cross earring in his ear dangling. "Now, let's see what we've got, guys."

"Looks like some scrawny kid to me." Mystic leaned back in her chair, playing with a few vertebrae like they were dice.

"Scrawny but cute." Deviant gave Jake a lewd smile, causing the latter to blush furiously despite his terror.

Destroyer reached over and poked Jake on the cheek. "Not much meat on him." He cackled. "And do you hear that? His heart's going nuts!"

Jake blanched, shrinking further against the wall as the vampires laughed at him. They could hear that!? Right, probably had vampire super hearing or some shit.

"Aw, don't be like that." Jake yelped as Destroyer grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the wall, wrapping an arm around the shaking teen's shoulders. "We don't bite-okay we do, but if you ask us nicely we can make it fun for you." He threw back his head and laughed. Even though he was about to be killed, Jake still thought his laugh was like music.

Jake gripped his pant legs tightly, his knuckles turning white. There was no use trying to hide his terror. They already knew just how scared he was and were greatly amused by it. They probably expected him to start breaking down any moment now before they ripped open his flesh. He was half tempted to start begging already, if he dared to admit it to himself. They were going to kill him anyway, why couldn't they just get it over with?

A sudden realization made him tense. No, he wasn't going to beg... not for his life. Why should he? He had nothing, he was nothing. No one cared if he lived or died, hell most of the world around him wanted him gone anyway. Wouldn't it be better if he did die? Why should he care if he lived, when he was so completely and utterly alone?

No. He wasn't going to beg. They were going to kill him anyway. There was no use in fighting or begging. He would just wait, and before the night was through, he'd just be another body in the gutter. Finally his suffering would be over.

"Jacob Aspen Cameadis."

Hearing his name said in Prophet's demonic voice nearly sent Jake back into the wall. The vampire was holding Jake's fake ID in his hand, having plucked it from the table where Jake had tossed it earlier. He chuckled, throwing the piece of plastic back down. "That your real name, or is it as fake as this piece of shit?"

Jake's throat closed. Wide-eyed, he could only stare at Prophet. The vampire stared calmly back, expecting an answer. Jake simply sat there until Destroyer jostled him, startling the teen. "I-It's real!" He yelped, tearing his eyes from Prophet's and staring down at the table. "It's r-real... it's my n-name."

"So how old are you really, Jakey?" Jake cringed at Destroyer's little nickname.

"S... S-Seventeen." Damn it, why won't his voice stop shaking?

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