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The next several days were spent recovering from their ordeal, Daegel and Raven especially. Their respective mates fed them blood for the first couple of days to help them recover from the blood deprivation. Jake had broken or shattered most of the bones in his body, but miraculously didn't puncture a lung or his heart. Onyx had managed to heal Jake enough so he could mobilise and force Daegel back into the bunks. At first, Dae had wanted to look after Jake, seeing that his mate was pale, exhausted, and tired most of the time from being healed. Naturally, Jake used his big doe eyes to convince Daegel to rest.

Most of the hunting was done by Cahya and Onyx, bringing food to Jake. It was a full week before Daegel and Raven were strong enough to hunt again, Raven using his sex appeal and hypnotism to draw their victims to them. The combination of Onyx's magic and fresh human blood greatly sped up the healing process. By the time two weeks had passed, all five were more or less in good health. Now they spent their nights as usual. Chilling out, hunting, joking around, and really settling back into their natural atmosphere.


Jake shifted, resting his head on Daegel's chest. They were both clad in only their boxers, cuddling on their shared bunk, the curtain closed to give them privacy. Neither had left the other's side since Amos' death, needing the reassurance of their mate's presence. The nightmares induced by that ancient monster had terrified Daegel, though he was loath to admit it, and Jake had been consumed by guilt and loss since the kidnapping. At this moment, all they needed was each other.

"Hey, Jake?"

Brushing some of his black hair from his face, Jake glanced up at his mate. "Hm? Yeah?"

Daegel looked down at him, confused. "You know, I don't think I ever asked you, how the hell did you kill Amos? He just kind of... dissolved. I didn't know you could do that."

Jake blushed, fidgeting. "Well... neither did I. I just kind of... winged it." Wryly, he chuckled. "You remember that girl I bought your present from?" He reached up, playing with the gold chain around Daegel's neck.

"The witch?" Daegel entwined his hand with Jake's, stroking the knuckles. "Yeah I remember her."

"Well, while we were running and waiting for Cahya to wake up, I had an idea. I had the feeling Amos would catch up with us, and I wanted to be prepared. So... I called her up with the number on the card she gave you. We talked for a bit and I asked her some questions about necromancy and mediums, things like that. She gave me a spell to try in case I was in a life or death situation. The only problem was my body wouldn't be overly happy about it, that's why my bones broke so badly. It kind of... speeds up death? I think? Admittedly I wasn't quite sure how it works, but she said that it would work well with my powers. In hindsight, maybe I should have asked more questions. Something about manifesting the victims to turn on the killer to avenge their own deaths, I think..."

Daegel pulled Jake up, kissing him on the nose and forehead, taking delight in the way Jake's nose crinkled at the ticklish feeling. "If you guys hadn't had a half-assed plan at the time, I'd freak the fuck out over you doing something like that." He held Jake close to him, burying his face in his mate's hair. "I was so scared... I almost lost you. Again. I'm the worst mate."

Jake wrapped his arms around Daegel. "Don't say that, I'm still here and I love you more than anything. I'm sorry. I didn't intend on either of us getting kidnapped." At Daegel's chuckle he smirked. "I was scared too... but I'll admit, I was mostly pissed. I REALLY wanted to rip out Amos's spine."

"Well, you dissolved him painfully. Close enough."

Laughing, Jake leaned up to kiss him again. "But I knew you were coming back to me, and I'd be there to meet you.."

Daegel frowned. "How could you be so sure?" Protectively, he tightened his grip on Jake. "I... I didn't even know if I'd see you again..."

"Simple." Jake smiled softly. "Because I told myself I would. I told myself, no matter what happened, that I wouldn't be afraid, that I wouldn't give up. I was going to find you no matter what. That you and Raven would make it and get your asses back here to the people who love you." He kissed Daegel's neck. "I never had any doubt."

Daegel cupped Jake's face in his hands and kissed him passionately. "I love you." Jake murmured, snuggling closer to his mate, humming as he felt Daegel's fingers stroke his hair.

"Love you more." Daegel replied, wrapping his arms around Jake and pulling them closer as they closed their eyes and slept. Safe and together at last.

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