Chapter Eleven

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"Are they going to be angry?"

Jake stood at the door to the main area of the bus with Daegel. It had been four days now since his suicide attempt. Three days spent healing and one sleeping after... Jake still blushed at the memory. Never could he have even imagined that someone would love him, only waking up in Daegel's protective warm embrace kept him from thinking that he had imagined what had happened the night before. Instead of being disgusted with him or rejecting him, Daegel returned his affections and then some.

"If they are, they're going to be at me." Daegel admitted, holding Jake's hand and stroking the knuckles. Every time he looked at Jake now, his heart swelled. All he wanted was to be around Jake, hold him close and kiss him, whispering to Jake how much he was loved. How the hell had he kept himself back before?

Jake turned to him, frowning. "But it's not your fault. I-"

Daegel cut him off with a soft kiss. "It is, babe. If I hadn't frozen like that, if I had gotten my damn head together quicker," he grabbed Jake and held him close. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. It hasn't been that long, but I can't not imagine this. Us, together." Drawing back, he gave the teen a lewd smirk. "Hey, Jakey. ¿Tienes un mapa? Porque estoy perdido en tus ojos-"

"What does that mean? No habla Dae." Jake had no clue what Daegel said, but couldn't keep a smirk off of his face. "Map? My eyes?"

"Fur eris: quia tu furatus es cor meum." Clearly Daegel wasn't finished, as he delivered the next line with a smile, bordering on flirty. Accompanied by a wink, it wasn't too hard to figure that one out.

"I still have no idea what you're saying. Are you using pickup lines in languages I don't understand?" Even still, Jake chuckled.

Now Daegel's grin turned slightly different, Jake couldn't pick up on what it was. "Y'know Jakey, Cămașă aia devine foarte importantă pentru tine. Desigur, aș fi și eu." In that moment Jake recognised the look.

"Hey! That one wasn't cute was it?"

Smiling innocently, Daegel cocked his head like a puppy. "Why whatever do you mean?"

At Jake's stern look, Daegel cackled mischievously and whispered into Jake's ear. The reaction was instantaneous and hilarious.

"Daegel!" Jake blushed, trying to look scandalized but failing, bursting into laughter. "What if they hear us?"

"They won't, the bunk area is soundproofed. Onyx took care of that after a few too many nights of Cahya and Rave-"

"Alright, I get it!" Jake laughed, putting his hands up in surrender. He looked back at the door, biting his lip. "I just... I don't want them to be mad at me or..." he sighed and muttered to himself. "I hate thinking like this." Nervously, he rubbed his arms through his dark blue hoodie.

Daegel kissed Jake's cheek, smiling. "Then we just have to keep on convincing you until you never think like that again. Now come on, let's let them know that you're okay."

Jake nodded, and he opened the door to the main area. The stereo was on, playing Motley Crue. Raven was lounging to the side, absentmindedly strumming his custom made bass guitar, signed by Nikki Sixx himself. Cahya was laying on the couch, reading a Batman comic book. Onyx was just closing the laptop, ending her Skype call with her wife. As the door opened she looked up and practically shot out of her seat, emerald eyes wide. "Jake."

That caught the attention of the other two, who instantly stood from their respective spots, staring at the young man. Jake blushed slightly, fidgeting where he stood. Daegel stood behind him, a hand on his lower back in support. "Um... h-hey guys..." Before he could continue he found himself wrapped tightly in someone's arms.

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