Chapter Twenty Four

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Ever impassive, Amos stared at his kneeling childe. As always, the elder vampire showed no emotion as he contemplated the actions of his progeny. He had been alive for longer than he was willing to admit, and knew how to read others. His senses, honed over many centuries, told him that this was no illusion, and that Cahya's friends were not mirages conjured by Onyx's magic abilities. There was no posturing or falsity in Cayha's actions or words. The boy meant everything he was saying. Now the only real question was why, and Amos was sure he knew the answer already.

"Explain yourself, Cahya, for I would most like to hear it."

Clenching his fists clenched to keep his hands from shaking, Cahya took a deep breath. "...I know you have Daegel and Raven. My pack mates."

Ah yes. Cahya fancied himself a pack leader. It was rather cute, similar to a cub trying to prowl and hunt like a lion. Oblivion was the only way to describe his eyes as he motioned for Cahya to continue.

"Please release them."

So he was right. If he had a mind to, or the ability, he'd laugh. "A predictable move, you realize."

"Yes, master. I am well aware."

Amos glanced up at Onyx and Jake. They weren't kneeling but their heads were bowed. They were indeed real, and so were their actions, following their leader. "So, you are bargaining for the release of your... mate, and pack member? Your complete obedience and loyalty in exchange for them?"

Cahya shook his head. "No... I'm begging for their release, master. Please."

Amos started to circle Cahya, much like a vulture would carrion. "And to achieve this end you are willing to end this inane little rebellion? You have caused me much trouble since I created you."

"Yes sir."

Finally, he stopped in front of his progeny and grabbed his chin, tilting his head upwards, noting pleasantly that Cahya's gold eyes remained downcast. "You are willing to obey my every word? To behave properly?"

"...yes master."

"And your pack mates? If I choose not to free them?"

Cahya winced and took a sharp breath. "...I will obey, master."

The corners of Amos's mouth twitched.


A scream died on Daegel's lips as the hallucinations slowly faded away and he rejoined Raven in reality. Fresh bruises joined other ones in various stages of healing and he was fairly certain that he was bleeding in a few places. Quickly, he wiped the tears from his eyes and sniffed to pull himself together, forcing the images out of his mind. Raven's right there, it wasn't real. Jake's okay, he's safe somewhere with Cahya and Onyx, they're all just fine. "R... Raven?" Spluttering, he coughed, his throat was sore from all the screaming.

Raven reached over as far as the chains would allow. "I-I'm here, brother." He murmured soothingly, sniffling. There was nothing worse than sitting there and watching Daegel suffer, unable to help. More than anything else, it broke his heart to see him sobbing, pleading with his tormentors to leave him alone, screaming at them to stop. As for the culprits, Raven wasn't sure, but you could bet he intended on finding out. They'd all had hard lives as humans, but Daegel never went into much detail. In fact, Raven didn't even know where exactly it was he had grown up. But it was clear Daegel had gone through a lot of pain and maltreatment.

Yet the cheerful, energetic vampire had always been... well... cheerful and energetic. Never once had any of them even realised what he'd suffered. When Raven had first joined the pack, Daegel had made him feel at home and been the guy to party and joke with. If what he heard was even a fraction of what Dae suffered, then he definitely wished he could go back to Daegel's hometown and eat everyone there.

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