Chapter Seven

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Jake whimpered, his hands fisting the sheets. Anyone watching may have thought he was in pain, with the jerking and gasping that was going on. It was mid afternoon, the sun high in the sky. The only signs of life breaking the silence of the bus were moans and gasps from the teen.

If he was conscious enough for coherent thought, Jake would have been mortified by the dreams his mind conjured and the discomfiting noises he made. But he was trapped in the ecstasy of his own mind, feeling what he wished to be real.

Arching his back, his breathing turned laboured, feeling hands that weren't there. Every nerve ending was going crazy and he felt like he was on fire. "P-Please..." His breath hitched at whatever was happening. "Oh fuck, please! Oh god... I..."

Later, Jake would count his lucky stars that the vampires couldn't be woken during daylight hours. Otherwise he may have thrown himself on a sharp object. Suddenly, Jake cried out in ecstasy and pleasure, back arching.

Jake awoke with a gasp, sweating and chest heaving. The blanket was tangled around his legs and his shorts were wet and sticky. He groaned. Another damn wet dream, and this one was definitely much worse than the last. Or better, if you judged by the number of shorts he had ruined. Pushing some of his black hair from his sweaty forehead, Jake managed to get his breathing under control. This one would be the fourth one in a row. It was seriously surprising that he didn't wake the others with all the moaning and screaming he must be doing.

The only solace was that by now he was doing most of his sleeping during the day. According to Cahya, once daylight hit, vampires were out for the count. Nothing could wake them, and so it was then when they were at their most vulnerable. Someone could literally drag them into the sunlight and they still would not wake, even when they burned to ashes. It was why they made sure to park their bus somewhere safe, and of course Onyx warded the hell out of it to keep it hidden from sight.

Jake rose from his bunk, grimacing at the soiled sheets. Damn it, he would have to wash again. Thankfully he had some daylight left. Stripping his bunk, he silently padded over to the small laundry area, stripping off the ruined shorts and throwing a load into the small washer they had on board. Somehow it had become his job to do the domestics around the bus. Honestly, he didn't do much. He was just as lazy as the vampires he lived with... but there were some limits as to what he would deal with. Starting the load, Jake stepped into the bathroom to shower. It always amazed him that they had so much on a bus. Though he suspected Onyx had something to do with it.

He sighed as the hot water hit his skin, relaxing the muscles. As he cleaned himself, he let his mind mull over the events of the past week.

A week... had it really only been a week since he joined this crazy train? He went from being a runaway, useless kid, suicidal and pathetic... to having his own bunk on a bus inhabited by four vampires.

Vampires. He was living with vampires.

It was still ludicrous even in his head.

But it was true. He had been taken in by four blood drinking creatures of the night, who donned black leather, skinny jeans and liked to wear makeup. They drank like camels, listened to rock and roll and metal. They swore and joked and acted like a bunch of five year olds. They didn't give a shit about what others thought or said about them.

Jake had more in common with a bunch of gothic vampires than he ever did with any human he had ever met. That still made him laugh.

But they all had their unique flair to them too. Onyx played the violin and electric guitar, and liked classical music as well as rock, alternative metal, and heavy metal. Apparently when she had been human she was a student of Mozart, and took the chance to play with KISS, Five Finger Death Punch, and Sex Pistols. Despite the menacing bad girl vibe, she was a soft-spoken and very sweet person to be around. She even had a wife, Scarlett. Scarlett too was a vampire, and was currently somewhere in Germany. She was pursuing her own musical tastes with a very prominent band that she was fond of. They talked to one another everyday, and had been together for at least seventy years. It was very romantic.

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