Chapter Sixteen

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With great effort, Jake managed to pry his eyes open, a feat that probably took all of the little strength he had. Everything hurt. He couldn't move anything, his body felt like lead. Was he tied down? No, he didn't think so. It looked like he was in Daegel's bunk. By now he was so familiar with it that he could be unconscious and know he was there. With tremendous effort, he managed to turn his head, breathing in the familiar scent of Daegel's cologne and musky smell. It comforted him and helped to clear his mind so he could focus on figuring out what the fuck was going on.

Ok, so he was in Daegel's bunk, which meant they had found him. That likely meant that Mike and his gang were dead. Hazily, Jake could recall his tormentors screaming and the sight of blood before blacking out. It would probably be an accurate conclusion that Onyx and the boys had found them, and proceeded to violently kill the lot for what they had done.

Instead of being horrified, he felt relieved. Mike had been nothing to him but a monster that made his life a living hell. He and his friends would have killed Jake. That fact he was sure of without a doubt. But here he was, safe and sound. He only wished he could have given Mike a taste of his own medicine. Oh well, no doubt Daegel and the rest of the pack had made him suffer.

Letting out a small groan, Jake tried to move, but his body felt as though he was a washcloth that had been wrung out a few too many times. Every little movement was painful. But someone had apparently heard him and the curtain to the bunk flung open, revealing a wide eyed Daegel.

"You're awake..." Something was wrong with Daegel's voice. Jake couldn't quite place what, but he still managed to smile weakly at his lover.

"Dae..." His voice was so hoarse and soft he was surprised his lover even heard him. Vampire hearing may have had something to do with that.

"Shhh, don't talk Jake." Sitting on the bunk beside Jake, Daegel closed the curtain much more softly than it had been opened. When he reached out, he almost seemed hesitant to touch Jake. Finally, it took Jake attempting to move closer for Daegel to gently hold him close, laying him down on his lap.

Jake frowned. Why did Daegel seem so... dead? There was none of the usual spark or emotion to his voice. None of the wide grins or excited look in his eyes that so characterized Daegel. Did he think Jake was disgusted with him? Was he upset with him? Gathering his strength, he managed to reach forward and rest his hand on Daegels. "It's... okay, Daegel." Despite wanting to go back to sleep, Jake smiled, fighting his exhaustion. "I'm okay... now." Onyx must have been healing him in bursts or something. That might explain why he was still sore.

But to Jake's shock, his words caused Daegel to look even more miserable. It was heart wrenching, like a kicked puppy. "No, you're not." Jake's eyes widened. "You're not dying. Physically, you'll be okay."

What was going on? Why did Daegel sound so horrid? What was wrong with him? "I...I don't understand...Dae?"

"Just go back to sleep, Jake. You need to rest."

Jake grasped Daegel's hand tighter, though right now his strength was inferior to that of a newborn kitten. Even clenching his fingers took tremendous effort. What was wrong with him? "Daegel...what's wrong? What did I do?"

"Nothing, Jake. It's nothing you did... it's something I did."

Was he upset about the killings? But why? Those bastards deserved it. It wasn't like they could be considered innocents. Jake opened his mouth to speak, to tell him it was okay, that Jake understood and forgave him. But Daegel gently placed his fingers over his mouth, gently shushing him. They sat in silence for several minutes, the tension thick and unbearable.

Daegel then went back to stroking Jake's hair, the motions robotic. "...I'm sorry, Jake. I'm so sorry. You were dying and..."


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