Chapter Twenty One

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Jake and Daegel were curled up together in their shared bunk, taking comfort in one another's presence. They'd been on the run for three days now, fleeing from Cahya's maker. The entire pack was tense and on edge, constantly looking over their shoulders and waiting. Cahya had yet to wake up, despite being healed thanks to Onyx's abilities. Raven hadn't left his side since coming back to the bus. Every night they would awaken and drive for hours, until the sun forced them back into the bunks to sleep. Energy was conserved for driving. Instead of hunting, the group used blood bags stored for an emergency.

No one really spoke to one another anymore, joking around was obsolete. The tension was thick and it was clear that they were afraid.

"His name is Amos. Yeah, I know, cliché name. But he's really fucking old. He probably fucking invented it." Daegel held Jake tightly, wanting nothing more than to protect his mate from the terrifying evil hunting them.

"He's also insanely powerful. No one is quite sure just what all he is capable of. Cahya ran from him as soon as he could. We had heard of him before through rumors and stories. I don't think there is a being in the supernatural world that isn't afraid of him on some level. Even the most ruthless and unscrupulous creatures don't dare cross him." Raven stroked Cahya's hair, cradling the younger vampire's head on his lap. "It's partly why we don't associate much with others like us. Cahya's somewhat well known as his progeny, one of the few that survived past a week. It gets unwanted attention. They're worried we're vicious monsters or spies."

Jake felt like he was going to go insane. He hated feeling so afraid again, of feeling caged and trapped. Escaping an old life of fear was the best thing he'd ever done, and now he was stuck in a new world of anxiety with a family he wouldn't leave. They hadn't set foot outside of the bus since Onyx managed to discover the identity of Cahya's attacker by searching through his memories for fear of being caught. His inner beast was feeling restless and it was starting to drive Jake mad.

As the tension within him began to build, he felt a hand on the back of his head, nails running lightly against his scalp. "It's going to be okay, babe."

Jake sighed, purring a bit at Daegel's ministrations. "I'm going insane, and I don't know if it's being hunted again or just being trapped in the bus for three fucking days."

"Well, it doesn't help that everyone's strung tighter than Nyx's violin. Plus, you're also newly turned. Your instincts are still fresh and wild. This has got to be driving you nuts."

Jake groaned. "I don't mean to be annoying or anything, I swear. I-I just-" He squeaked a little as Daegel cut him off with a kiss.

"I know, baby. It doesn't help that we don't even know how long we'll be running for. We're just hoping that psycho loses interest." Daegel rested his head on top of Jake's, holding his mate close. "We'll be fine. We always manage."

Jake wanted to believe him. Really, he did. But there was a twisting feeling in his gut that wouldn't go away. Cahya's words echoed in his mind. The vampire's visions, while could be avoided in certain situations, were almost always accurate. Details could change, situations avoided, but they almost always came to pass. At least, that was how Onyx explained it when she noticed his consuming anxiety. On an instinctual level, Cahya's words filled him with dread. They couldn't avoid this. Something was going to happen and Jake was afraid for his family.

The bus slowly came to a stop after a few more hours of tense silence. From the other room Jake heard Raven sigh and lie down next to Cahya in preparation for rest. Onyx eventually shuffled into the room, looking exhausted.

"Sunrise in about 30." She murmured, crawling into her bunk. "I'm clocking out early. Night."

Jake sat up, shifting and pulling on his boots. "I need some air. I'll be back."

Instantly, Daegel shot up, his eyes wide. "Jake it's not-"

"I'll only be right outside the bus." With a desperate expression, Jake turned to his mate, practically begging to be let outside. "Please. I just need some air before I really go nuts. I promise I won't go anywhere I have no intention of being torn apart by some old ass vampire."

Daegel sighed. "Fine... but please be careful, Jake." He leaned forward, kissing Jake softly. Sure, he understood why, but he was still terrified that something would happen to Jake outside of the safety of the bus. "And come back in at least ten minutes before sunup? It would really suck if you fried."

Chuckling, Jake nuzzled his mate. "Promise." Once again, he kissed Daegel before grabbing his jacket and heading for the door. Being allowed outside for the first time in days, he took a deep breath, relaxing as he stepped off of the bus and into fresh air. His inner beast roared with delight and he already felt the urge to start running, but he managed to rein it in. After all, he did promise Daegel, and the sun would be up soon. The fresh air would be enough for right now.

Finally outside, he leaned against the bus, muscles relaxing now that he was out of the grasp of the walls that confined him. "Fuck, I needed this... now if only I had alcohol." Almost bitterly, he chuckled, running his fingers through his long hair. Sitting down on the ground, keeping his back to the bus, he had a good while to relax and he was going to make the most of it.

"Mind if I join you?"

Looking up, Jake was surprised to see Raven leaning against the bus beside him. "Um, sure. Grab a seat. I'm surprised you left Cahya's side."

Raven sighed, sitting down beside Jake. "...Being more stressed isn't going to help. I need to relax too, if I'm going to be any good around here. We've got enough shit to deal with. I figured you had the right idea. Cahya wouldn't want me to be pulling my hair out."

Jake nodded. "...Do you ...think we'll be okay?"

There was silence for a few minutes. "...I think we will. We've been through worse. I have to believe we'll be alright." Raven smirked and nudged his younger brother in the side. "Besides, nothing can keep us down. We're too fucking badass."

The two vampires shared a smile before lapsing into silence, taking comfort in the fresh air. It was ten minutes to sunrise when Jake finally stood, stretching out his muscles. He was starting to feel lethargic as his vampire senses reacted to the upcoming morning. As he turned to the door, more than ready to head back into Daegel's arms, his mate's shadow could be seen opening the door to retrieve him. "Let's head back inside. We-"

A cry caused Jake to spin around. Just barely, he caught a glimpse of Raven's unconscious form before being blinded by bright lights and assaulted by a horrible pain in his skull. Crumpled to the ground, Jake wasn't unconscious, but hurt and immobilised.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jake could see Daegel throw the door to the bus open, probably hearing Raven's cry. Taking in the scene, Daegel roared animalistically, sprinting to defend his mate and their brother. Desperately, Jake tried to move, to speak, to tell Daegel to run into the safety of the bus as the sun began to paint the dark sky. But whatever had been done to him was effective, all he could do was watch from swimming vision as Daegel fought a losing battle.

Who he was fighting, Jake couldn't muster enough sense to think, consumed by pain and fear. The figure, clothed in pale grey robes, barely flinched when Daegel punched him with enough force to level a building. Striking the Destroyer like one would a pesky insect, the figure almost seemed to be toying with him. Flying back into the bus hard enough to dent the metal, Daegel got back up and snarled. Glancing towards Jake, Daegel sprinted over to Jake and practically threw him into the bus, the door slamming shut.

In the moment his back was turned, the dark figure slunk up behind Daegel like a ghost. As soon as he turned around again, Daegel was met with the same fate as his unconscious brother, assaulted by light exploding behind his eyes and sharp pain as though his enemy had stabbed him in the head. Instantaneously, Daegel went down with a sharp cry, out cold and completely helpless.

The pale and modestly clothed figure stared down at the two vampires, head tilted as though viewing an interesting exhibit. It then reached down, grabbing both by the collars of their shirts and jackets. In the next instant they were gone, a small spot of black blood the only indication that they were ever there as the sun rose over the horizon.

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