Chapter Thirteen

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Waking up had always made Jake want to cry and punch something. Not just because it fucking sucked (which it does), but because it meant he'd lived through hell yesterday and would have to go through worse today. But now, as darkness fell and creatures of the night began to wake, Jake stirred wrapped in Daegel's arms, Jake loved waking up, because it meant he got to spend another night with a family that cared about him, and a boyfriend who loved him.

Realising the one in his arms was awake, Daegel smiled down at his lover, before leaning down to connect their lips. It started out sweet, but quickly turned risqué. Their lips moving in sync, hands roaming freely, tongues clashing, sweet and saucy and perfect. Sadly, they had to pull apart for that unfortunate need to breathe.

"I..." He panted, trying to get his breath back. "Am NEVER going to get tired of this."

Daegel smirked, stroking Jake's hair. "I'd be devastated if you did. I'm surprised though. Most people get freaked out by the whole 'blood drinking creature of the night' thing."

Jake blushed. "Well... I can't really explain it. I don't really know." Minor lie, he sort of understood. A group of creatures that regularly kill people for food had treated him better than any human ever had before. And Daegel was the first person to ever truly loved him, so who gives a shit about the whole blood thing. He trusted Daegel with everything, his heart, soul and his body. Trust was important in relationships, and he trusted Daegel enough to fall asleep in his arms.

He sighed as Daegel kissed his forehead, adjusting them so that they were more comfortable. "How long has it been now?"

Daegel smiled down at him. "Six months, babe. Six fucking amazing months."

Jake smiled widely. Had they really been together that long? It felt as though it passed by far too quickly. The kissing, the cuddling, the absolutely amazing sex, Jake couldn't ask for more. Daegel was a very affectionate person, and adored the chance to shower any kind of attention on his human boyfriend. Jake was a bit more reserved, but when Daegel got him worked up, he could be just as passionate as the vampire.

He grew closer with the others as well, his older brothers and sister. Onyx refused to let Jake's music talent wither. The vampire had more classical training than Jake's preferred metal style, but they worked together amazingly well. At one point, someone had pointed out it was like Metallica playing with the San Francisco Symphony, different styles that worked really well together. Onyx was able to help Jake improve his playing and writing, weaving her own music with Jake's in a seamless manner. They also shared a love of books, Jake being the only other one on the bus permitted within five meters of her book collection. Much of the time Onyx and Jake sat surrounded by novels, reading and talking about the books. Both were fond of crime and war novels, as well as psychological thrillers, allowing them to sit for hours just talking about books.

Raven reminded Jake a lot of the guys he had gone to school with, the popular, suave type guys. Of course Raven was much less of a dick. Normally he was loud, perverted and liked to tease Jake a lot. Not that the human minded. Like with Onyx, they talked music a lot, with Raven preferring the bass guitar. Raven, to Jake's surprise, was very much into fashion, even having some sketches for a clothing line. Jake liked to listen to him talk about the subject, hearing the passion he felt. They also bonded over sports, and frequently the boys found them shouting at some losing team making stupid mistakes on the TV.

Cahya was the closest to Jake in age, so it seemed natural to go to him for much needed advice. He explained anything to Jake about vampirism, or even just questions about life in general. After all, Jake was still very young and while Cahya was the youngest vampire in the group, he was quite knowledgeable and gave very sound advice (it helped that he was almost a century old).

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