Chapter Six

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Jake felt like he was going to explode at any moment. Currently he was sitting in the main living room of a bus, a tour bus it looked like, or one of those new living arrangements like an entire apartment on wheels. With him were two very real vampires and watching television. It was like the domestic part of a cringy vampire novel. He was still wrapped in the blanket he had woken up in, curled up on the large leather couch, wearing only ratty jeans and an old Metallica shirt, his legs drawn up and tucked under the blanket. Although he stared at the TV, he wasn't really watching it. The thoughts cluttering his mind were too scattered to really concentrate on whatever crime drama was playing. Instead it was going over the events from last night at the bar.

Briefly, he glanced over to the room's only other occupants, two of the vampires he'd had the misfortune of encountering the previous night. The makeup had been washed off, taking away some of the intimidation at least. Mystic, or Onyx apparently, looked far creepier with the weeping jester get up. They were still decked out in black leather, though Destroyer, or Daegel as Onyx had called him, had ditched the vest and was only wearing the tight leather pants. Jake was trying very hard not to stare. It didn't really help that said vampire was right next to him, an arm casually wrapped around Jake's shoulders.

Jake silently scolded himself. He should not find a blood drinking creature of the night so damned attractive. Last night he had watched that very vampire murder several people. Alright, so apparently those same people planned on drugging and killing Jake, but the point still stood, damn it. Besides, it's not as though being gay had ever been a good thing for him. It only gave his bullies and his guardians- he still refused to ever call them his 'parents' -more ammunition to use against him. He didn't even want to imagine what these creatures would do to him if they knew.

But Daegel was...well, if Jake admitted it to himself, really very attractive. The vampire was hot. He was easy going, and very cheerful. His laughter was infectious and more than once Jake had to bite his cheeks to keep himself from smiling and laughing along with him. His brown eyes sparkled every time he smiled and his whole body constantly moved, like the man was connected to a live wire. Every so often he'd nudge Jake and point out something hilarious on the television, smiling at him widely. To Jake's surprise, he never saw the fangs like he had last night. Did they keep them in sheaths or something?

"So when the fuck are Raven and Cahya waking up?" Daegel tossed the remote to the side, apparently bored. "It's been HOURS!"

Onyx rolled her eyes. "It's only been one hour since sunset, you dumbass. They'll be up soon. They were fucking for most of the night yesterday."

Jake coughed, his face flushing bright red. His eyes widened to the size of saucers. Raven and Cahya... the other two vampires presumably, were gay? But then he remembered one of them, Deviant, and how he had chatted up the waitress before killing her. Was it just a ploy before killing? Was he bisexual? Or... a shudder went through him as he contemplated a very dark thought. Were they planning on keeping him as some sort of sex slave? Was that why they had spared his life? It sounded absolutely ridiculous even in his head but a tiny part of Jake kept insisting that it was the only reason they spared his life.

Daegel rolled his eyes, neither vampire apparently noticing Jake's reaction. "Ugh, really? I swear those two fuck more than rabbits do. Or when Rae gets in the mood for chicks."

So he was bisexual then? Not like Jake was going to criticize, mind you.

Before Onyx could reply, two forms shuffled in from the bunk area. Jake shrank a bit into the blanket as the rest of the vampires decided to join them.

"Morning, bitches! Or evening, what fucking ever." Deviant, apparently Raven if Jake was reading the clues right, plopped himself down on the other end of the couch. Turning his head, he smirked over at Jake and Daegel, the former blushing and looking away. "And hello Jakey. Looks like you got our message. Good boy. Would have been a real bitch to hunt you down."

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