Chapter Fourteen

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Jake couldn't breathe. Screwing his eyes shut, he prayed that this was all just a bad dream, that he would wake up in Daegel's arms where they would have a quick make out session before heading out to do whatever. He would laugh with the Onyx, Cahya, and Raven, cuddle with Daegel, and at the end of the night before the sun rose they would return to the bunks where they would fall asleep in one another's arms.

His daydream was cut cruelly short as he was yanked backwards and thrown against a brick wall, eyes snapping open. Pressing him against the wall was the all too familiar face of Mike, the kid responsible for at least half of the scars on Jake's body and soul. His cronies flanked him, forming a semi-circle and trapping Jake against the wall. His throat closed and his heart stopped from pure fear. Now he was right back in the nightmare.

This was the gang that gave him the worst of trouble. Ever since middle school, Mike and his friends made it a point to make Jake's life miserable. They humiliated him and beat him, mocked him for everything that made him different from his peers. Once or twice they very nearly killed Jake, and many times they had sent him to the hospital. There'd nowhere he could turn to for help. Other students always joined in while the teachers turned a blind eye, claiming it would be good for Jake to just conform and be like his peers.

He was back under the bleachers again, back behind the school and back in the boys bathroom. And they had over six months of time to make up for.

Mike smirked cruelly at Jake, his eyes cold. "Look boys, our favorite toy came back after all. Where have you been, fag?" Scrunching his already hideous face in a sneer, he took in Jake's appearance, from the clothes to the makeup. "Still dressing like some emo. Are you still cutting, too?"

Jake blanched, causing Mike and his gang to laugh at him. His heart, still somehow beating, was going insane. Fear coursed through his veins, fight or flight instinct strong but useless. "L-Leave me alone."Inwardly he cringed at the fear in his voice. All of the confidence he had gained, all the inner strength he had built up, gone in less than a second.

"What was that? I think the fag said something." Mike punched Jake in the gut, the teen doubling over in pain. "Well, come on fag! Speak up!"

"Don't you know, bro? All depressed emo fucks ever do is cry and bitch." One of the groupies piped up, his rat-like face twisted into a cruel grin.

"That's a good point, my man." Mike pressed Jake up against the wall again. "We do have a lot of time to make up for, right? Time to play 'Make the Emo cry!' You guys remember the rules! First one to make it cry wins!"

Jake began to panic, his breathing quickened as he imagined being dragged somewhere, the beatings happening all over again. They would take their time with him, inflicting as much pain as they could to make sure he suffered. He wouldn't be returning to the bus, to Daegel and the others, not unless he acted now.

Kicking out, Jake managed to nail Mike right between the legs. The bully gasped in agony, falling to the ground and curling up, his hands between his legs. His cronies stood there stunned, none of them knew what to do without their puppetmaster. Jake took the chance and bolted, pushing past and breaking into a dead sprint. He didn't dare look back even as he heard Mike shouting to his thickheaded followers to help him up, to get going after Jake. Pavement rushed by underneath him as he pushed his legs harder, panic and terror and adrenaline fueling his muscles.

Jake ran through the streets, pushing past people and sticking to somewhat crowded places. The more people between him and his old bullies, the easier it would be to escape. Unfortunately, not many people seemed to be out today. His body carried him, making turns and dashing across the streets, narrowly avoiding cars. First and foremost in his mind was finding safety. Years ago, safe was whatever hole he could hide in, whatever he could find. Now, safe was the bus. In the bus he would be safe, his family-

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