Chapter Eight

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Cahya shuffled into the main room of the bus, short hair all over the place as though he had stuck his finger in a light socket. Raven and Onyx were already up, the former shouting at something on the TV. Onyx was clutching her sides with hysteria, dangerously close to falling off her perch on the couch. Cahya couldn't quite see what it was, or hear it over Raven's cursing. "No! No you son of a bitch! Stupid mother fucking- DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!? ARGH!" The vampire threw the remote over to the laughing Onyx, crossing his arms and slumping back against the couch, sulking.

"Just what the hell is your problem?" Cahya chuckled, grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge and walking over, sitting down on the couch next to Raven. Looking up at the TV, he could see some kind of game show was playing. "A game show? You're getting worked up over some damn game show?"

"I'm pissed because they don't know ANYTHING about the Victorian era-No you dumbass!" Raven shook his fist at the screen. "That didn't look ANYTHING like Michael Balfe! And when the fuck did THAT get attributed to-that's the British circus you moron! That's where it was founded! What the hell are they basing that off of!? DON'T YOU PEOPLE KNOW ANYTHING!?"

"Geesus Raven, relax it's just a game show." Onyx managed to say, though the words were cut off by her uncontrollable laughter. "What the hell are you so up in arms about? History gets messed up sometimes. We've been alive long enough to know."

Raven turned to glare at Onyx, more exasperated than angry. "I LIVED during that era, Nyx! Remember? I know it like the back of my hand. These are basic facts! Ugh! Humans are so damn stupid!"

Cahya nearly choked on his beer trying not to laugh. Sometimes he found it hard to believe that Raven had been born during one of the most sexually repressed eras of human history, with the vampire being one of the biggest man whores Cahya had ever met. The guy loved women. Needless to say, he had enjoyed the 60's and 70's a great deal. Hell, his bunk was wallpapered with playboy cutouts.

It always amazed Cahya that he never really felt any jealousy towards any of the women Raven turned his eye to. Cahya was, always had been, a monogamous type of person, even as a vampire. While he had been with Zakaria he had no other lover, human or otherwise. Raven was his only romantic attachment, and it was likewise for the other vampire. Perhaps that was why Cahya never felt jealous of the human women his lover fucked. They were all one night stands, food. There was no love, no affection like when he was in Cahya's bed. All of that was reserved for Cahya, and Cahya only. Raven was a very sexual creature, but he loved only one.

He leaned over and kissed Ravens cheek, hoping to calm the fuming vampire. It seemed to work, as the man did calm down and wiggle around so that his head was now lying in Cahya's lap. Cahya smiled and softly stroked his long hair as Onyx flipped away from the irritating show, having contained her laughter at last. Looking around, only now did the vampire notice a lack of occupants in the room. "Where are Daegel and Jake?"

"Oh, Dae left a note. Apparently he took Jake out on a date."

Cahya's eyes widened as he looked down at his lover. "Say what now?"

Onyx rolled her eyes, but she was smirking. "Actually, the note said that he and Jake were going out to have fun in town, but we're pretty sure it's a date."

"I mean seriously, have you seen the way he looks at Jake? You said it yourself Cahya, he has the hots for him." Raven chuckled, stretching his arms.

"Not to mention the way Jake keeps looking at him. I've observed human behavior for centuries, and I can tell, he's so whipped." Onyx stopped on a movie channel. "Maybe they'll actually admit it to one another."

"I don't know about that. Daegel is pretty dense, and Jake... well," Raven played with the edge of Cahya's Motionless in White shirt. Whether he was anxious for their friends or just in thought Cahya couldn't tell. "The kid is damaged, there's no doubt about that."

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