Da-me-yo.... DA-ME-YO~!

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Perhaps, you may hate a lot for what I’m currently doing esp. in the last 2 months since I gave up my job for personal reasons and seeing myself to my first flame is the biggest defeat of my life!

And after betrayals I’ve got, I decided to become a Shinja… followers of Akumakyo religion founded by His Excellency. Meaning, SEIKIMA-II Shinjas are NOT ordinary fans… we’re different from others and if somebody would insult our Akuma society… BEWARE!

Shinjas are very creative and idealistic. If I was concentrating on His Excellency’s Wikipedia page expansion, others made a photobook called “AKUMAKYO PRAYER BOOK”… each page features our pics and messages to the band. I guess, as you read this, they already presented this book to His Excellency!

So, I realized that in my last 11 years of being a Danish rock band fan, nobody made that such a creative thing! So, I guess, being a Shinja is such a life-changing experience because even I got pains I had been through, I remained faithfully strong and even they hate me for doing this… such a whatever thing as in MYOB!

When I felt frightened in terms to death, I told myself if I was sent to Jigoku (READ: Hell), the only consolation prize is to meet His Excellency in spirit form and it looks priceless! When I got a serious Heartburn, I smiled everytime I felt I’m dying so, sometimes, facing my death became a bit stronger!

And being a Shinja, it might be the best solution to forget my love to him esp. heartbreak times because, he had already a girl who about to get married few years from now and I’m no longer able to love and marry him… he’s an ordinary human and if he would able to love a Shinja like, it’s DA-ME-YO! (READ: Forbidden)… at least, for some time, I won’t able to see him and if we do, nothing! I’m different from others esp. our Philippine society because as Shinja, there’s NO CRAB MENTALITY occured!

I’m sorry to him… for now, this is my own path to get all along the way!!!

And being a single Shinja (READ: No Boyfriend Since Birth), BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY… if nobody loves me then, forget it!


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