Akuma Creativity

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Last A-Kon 21, every Shinja brought everything they have during SEIKIMA-II’s Black Mass, Autograph Signing Seesion and Q&A Portion…

A Shinja named Zach wore His Excellency Demon Kogure’s face paint and some vinyl records that makes all band members went shocked!

Another Shinja, Don brought plastic apples.

Then, Kobayashi-san wore Raiden Yuzawa’s Akuma face!

And John Kyle made something himself that would look like Damian Hamada, the main founder of SEIKIMA-II…

Then, few weeks after, in preparation of another Black Mass and this time… in France, some Shinjas made an idea by creating a photobook called “AKUMAKYO PRAYER BOOK”  which contains our respective pics… whether in Akuma face or with some stuffs… plus our messages (prayers) to the band esp. His Excellency saying our deepest gratitude…

The result looks so astonishing!

Meanwhile, Zach made a personalized necklace by using some Shrinky Dinks… so, I realized… whatever we got stared by ordinary society (narrow-minded, indeed!)… at least, we showed to the world how creative Shinjas are we!

And personally, I never experienced this during old rock band days :P

Now, my questions is… are we still creative next year or by 2015?

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