Chapter 27 : We're Lovers, Remember?

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27 | 9:59 a.m.

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Sometimes I think—

Blossoms of long endless lavender fields crawled into my whole vision. The sun shone brightly against my warmed skin, the strong summer breeze carrying small petals of lavender across my dainty cheeks.

— is it all worth it

I couldn't hear anything, my senses unable to take the sounds of the air, the butterfly wings flapping a few yards away no matter how much I focused nor the breezes of the lavenders swaying across my body.

— going through so much pain?

"He left me."

The voice in my head echoed around me as if a haunting memory. The air seemed to stop, the fields unmoving as I blinked my eyes slowly. Fingers trembled beside my frail body while my toes curled.


I've hated that memory.

Because I knew that he wouldn't be coming back.

No matter how much I've waited.

That same broken voice filled with painful realization after years of waiting. All to see and witness a broken heart across a mirror, shattering all the hope and brightness filled in his eyes.

In my eyes.

A tear painted my cheek as I looked up at the bright sun, a familiar gentle face swarming my memories. The home I've started calling since I met him, and his hugs bringing me a wave of warmth, overwhelmingly filling my poor wilted soul.

I don't think I could bear the thought of Jaehyun leaving me.

"Would you do that too?" I whispered to myself, not knowing what Jaehyun would even answer.

"I love you too."

My own words met my question and a jolt of smile filled my face as I remembered. He was the candle that lit my dark room filled with unread books left hidden for thousands of years.

I had to trust him.

I promised I would.

If he was going to leave me.... I don't know how I will cope about it. I was unsure of what the future held, even those actions of the unknown that I do not know I might do or not.

"Yeah, I love you too." I chuckled, clutching lavender petals in hand.

: : : : : : : : :

The first thing I felt when waking up was the numb pain on my ankle and the headache overtaking my head as I laid down. Warmth wrapped around my right hand as I clenched my tired eyes close.

Where am I?

I tried moving my fingers but unfortunately, they were clasped in a tight warm space and as I opened my eyes, the clean bright lights of the room I was in burned my tired ones.

Turning my head ever so slightly to my right, there I saw Jaehyun sitting down on a chair, his head resting on his arms as he slept, his large hand caving over my smaller hand as he held onto it tightly and right there, my breath got caught in my throat.

Refraining myself from calling him, I reached my other arm forward, the weak hand shaking from the lost strength.

As soon as I touched the silky locks covering his eyes, the breath I've held onto for so long was let out.

He was so beautiful.

My body had it's own mind as soon as my fingers touched his face, tracing the smooth expanse of it. From his brow, down to his cheekbone as I slowly allowed my fingers to ghost over his eyelashes, watching the small pearled teardrops wet over them— a sign that he cried. I then pushed my shaky finger down his nose, before resting on his red lips.

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