<< j-fred >>

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Not a smut**

Joeys pov
I was really tired from filming 3 team edge videos today and i just wanted to take a nap. So i was going to head to matthias' couch and take a nap, I swear as soon as my body hit his couch i heard a knock at his door, i sighed and said "come in" it was y/n I sat up and said "hey" she said "hey, i was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch with me?" It was silent for a second then she spoke up and said "if you dont wanna we dont have to." I said " its fine im just really tired, but lets gooo!" I said pointing to the door.

Y/n pov:
I giggled at what joey said and followed him to the door, i have to admit joey is pretty cute.. But he doesnt like me like that.. I dont think at least... Joey spoke up and said "which car? Mine or yours?" "mine is fine." I said. "Chick-Fil-A?" "You read my mind." We both laughed and we were off.

Third person pov:
They arrived at Chick-fil-A and they ordered their food and joey decided to go use that bathroom. While he was gone their food came while joey was gone and the man was walking with the food to their table but the man didnt leave after he gave her their food, he said " whats a pretty lady like you doin' here all alone?" Y/n didnt know what to do until at that moment joey came back and said "hey babe, whos this?"

Y/n pov:
Wait what? I thought i heard joey wrong but i didnt "babe? You okay?" He said i just shook my head yes and then he leaned in to kiss me i didnt know what the hell was happening but I mean i wasnt complaining.. So i leaned in too. We kissed until the guy left and joey sat down and apologized "y/n im sorry I didnt mean-" i cut him off by kissing him again he looked at me like i was crazy but i whispered "he was looking again" joey looked over and caught the guy staring "hey why dont we take our food back to the office?" "Okay" so we left and took our food back to the office and joey started talking and i interrupted him and said "why did you do that? Back at Chick-fil-A?" He said "well cause i like you y/n like, like you and i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" I said jumped in his arms and whispered in his ear "of course j-fred" i sat there in his arms until he said "love you y/n forever.." I said it back... Who knew a trip to Chick-Fil-A would make me be with the man of my dreams....

A/n: *walks in slowly* hey.. Hows it going...? *waves awkwardly* 😂. Anyways i was wondering what you wanted me to do next. Im not gunna lie i got exited when i saw that like 3 people read my story like you guys mean the world to me 💞 any who not gunna get to mushy but dont forget to vote. Buh bye 👋

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