<< Connor >>

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Y/n pov:
Matt asked me to lock up so i did, after I was done with that i saw connor trying to get into orange base. 'What on earth are you doing connor'  I thought to myself. I tried to be stealthy and try to scare him but I didnt.

"Hey connor, what the heck are you doing?"

"Oh- ehh, well I left my laptop in there and i see that your already locked up so..."

"Oh thats fine i-i can uhhh- get the door unlocked for you!" I mentally face palmed myself, ' god y/n i know hes cute but chill' I thought to myself.

Connor pov:
I saw y/n unlock the door. My plan was working.. I heard y/n speak up and say "hey connor i will be outside"
"No! Uhhh- i mean its fine you can come inside." "Uhh okayy?" Y/n said unsure.   'Whew that was close.'  I was walking into the room and I really didnt have anything to get i had just told her that i did... I had to tell her... "Hey uhh y/n?" I had saw her turn around.

"Yeah?" She had said with a confused look on her face.

"Uhm- well.. Ireallylikeyou.." I said mumbling the last part.

"Huh? Say that last part slower."

"I really like youuu" I said dragging out the last part.

Y/n pov:
Wait. Hol up. Did connor just really say 'i like you?'

"Uh- well I-"

"Nevermind. I knew you wouldnt like me back" he said in defeat and walking out of the door.

"No connor wait!" I grabbed hus arm and pulled him a little to hard. We were face to face and I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

"I like you too. Like, like like you connor." I said whispering it to him. He just stood there not knowing what to do.. So i back up a little.. Until i felt his soft lips on mine. I felt like i was floating. He wrapped his arm around the small part of my back and i wrapped my arms around his neck going deeper into the kiss. We finally broke away when Connors phone dinged.

Text messages between matt and Connor

Matt: hey connor i going to need you and y/n to stop making out and get home goof 😂.

Connor: Sorry matt.. Won't happen again..

Connor looked at me with a red tint on his face. Connor spoke up and said "uhm- we might want to get out of here." He showed me the messages. "Oh shoot" i said giggling.

A/n: hey so like im sorry i havent been posting storys. Im not really inspired but im still going to do some. You can tell me which storys you want by messaging me on insta @_.itzzzz._suzie
Bye 💞

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