<< Tanner >>

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Daddy kink**

Y/n pov: 

I was in my office and I was watching jus some funny videos when i heard someone yelling my name and banging on my door.. 'Who on earth?' Once I was half way to my door it swung open and I saw connor laying on the floor..

"Uhh-H tanner dont ever make me do that again" connor said while covering his face. Tanner was laughing his ass off

"Bu- but you lo-looked so f-funn- AHHH" tanner couldnt even finish his sentence. I started laughing with tanner.

"Wait.. Why did you need me?"

"We need you for a BU s-shoot." Tanner said trying not to laugh

"Okay right now?"

"Yea-h, hehe" tanner said giggling at the end of his sentence.

" Okay, cornhole are you okay?" I asked connor that was still on the floor

"Y-yeah im fine haha" he said sarcastically laughing.

"Okieee whatever you say, you know you guys could have just came in right? "

"Ohhhh" they both said

I just rolled my eyes and smiled at them.

//Time skip to the shoot\\

Y/n pov: 
I did the intro and we today we were doing hide in seek in the dark plus the seeker is blindfolded. For the life kf me I couldnt find a hiding spot. Of course everyone had took all the rooms. I came into a room with matt in it.

"Go some where else y/n!" He said whisper yelling.

"Okay, okay geez!" So i ran off and hid in a closet. I was getting ready to sit down when i heard someone say "ow"

"Who is this?" I said

"Its tanner your sitting on my legs dummy."

"Oh sorry!"

"Its okay. Just sit on my lap." He said while patting his lap.

"Okay" so I sat on his lap and i felt his hard on.. And my hands were on his private area and i started to mess with him and rub him i earned a grunt from him and then he turned me around and I started to grind on him he placed his palm on my face and kissed me. I was shocked at first then i kissed back. We started to take off our clothes and it got pretty heated.

"Ahh- damn baby girl your so tight."

"HmM tanner o-oah"

"Oh-H baby im-im gunna cu-mmm" tanner said while moaning

"Me too t-tanner- aHhH"

I heard someone yell "matt is out"

"F-faster y/n"

Then i heard it again "woods is out!"

Then thats when we both came. We rode out our highs and he then cleaned up, and put our clothes on.

"They cant see that we were hiding together.. Hide under this shelf.. I have a plan" tanner said while pointing at the shelf.


I hid under the shelf and i saw that tanner had left.. ' That son of a bitch'... I heard someone say "tanners out!!"

"Wait wheres y/n?" I heard Matt say.

"I dunno?" I heard tanner say.

I took out my phone flashlight and looked around 'i think im stuck' i thought to myself. I heard someone open the door.

"HA! FOUND YOU!" I heard joey say. And he had to shoot me at least 392 times.



//Time skip to when the shoot was done\\

Tanner pov:
I was going to go to y/n office and tell her how i felt but insted she came up to me and kissed me and i kissed back. 

"H-hey?" I said confused and with a goofy smile.

"Hey handsome." Y/n said with a wink.

"Y/n I was wondering if you wanted to be my g-girlfriend? If not its fine..."

"I would love that tanner!"

A/n: AHHHH- I didnt really like this one.. I feel like I could have done better you know.. But any how.. Did you like it?? Dont forget yo vote and im open to any requests!! Buh byee 🖤

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