<< woods >>

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Not a smut**

Woods pov:
I was finishing a rekt video when i heard Matt yelling we were doing the outro so as soon as we were done i rushed to his office and i saw him yelling on the phone, he looked scared, nervous, mad.. You get the point. "What I didnt even say that?!" "No, i love you"  "whatever bye" matt hung up the phone "hey m-matt whats wrong?" He replied with "Amanda thinks that i dont love her cause I'm to caught up in work business abd not spending anytime with her." "Oh well im sorry.."

Y/n pov:
I heard woods's voice say "oh im sorry" Amanda wanted to me to listen to them cause it was all a prank but she told me not to tell anyone... I heard woods heading to the stairs, where I was hiding, and i had to run but i didnt know where to run to... Ofc i ran into woods' office. I mentally face palmed myself , i was hiding under his long desk when i saw his feet and then, of course, he had to sit down at the spot I was hiding at and he was moving around alot. He eventually started to move and one of his feet kicked me in the stomach.. "uOof-" i covered my mouth. I saw him look under the desk "Y/n? What are you doing?" I said "nothing" he looked at me like I was crazy, but who could blame, "fine fine, you wont tell ANYONE?" He shook his head yes "okay so Amanda is pulling a prank on Matt, she isnt really mad at him" i giggle cause the way he is listing to me "wait for real?" I shook my head yes. "Wow." "DO NOT TELL ANYONE THOUGH!" I whisper yelled. He put his hands up in defense "okay , okay!" When i got to get up he said that he had to tell me something and that he wants me to meet him at his place.. I dont know what he is gunna tell me..

Time skip to later**

Woods pov:
I had to tell y/n that -  my thoughts were cut off by someone knocking on the door, it was Matt. "Did you tell her?" "Uhh nooo" i said with a sigh. "Okay well I'm going to head out i think you should too." "Okay" as we were about to leave i remembered that I told y/n to be at my house, matt was already getting in his car, "oh shit, shit, shit! I forgot about y/n!!" I rushed home and saw y/n sitting on my front door step, she was looking at her feet "umm y/n?" She looked up at me with a smile "hey woods! You said that you wanted to meet here so i was waiting but I didnt want to look like a weirdo so i-" I cut her off by kissing her. "I'm sor-" she tried to talk agian but I just cut her off agian kissing her a little rougher than the first time. "Y/n, you dont understand how you make me feel, how when I see you i just want to kiss you and call you mine, so y/n will you be mine?" Y/n looked at me with a ear to ear grin "yes, yes I will" she kissed me agian and I guess you could say I have a girlfriend, best day ever.

A/n: uhmmm heyyy... How u doing... Anyways... 😂 im sorry I didnt post a story.. I had to do some thingz.. Any who love you guys have a good day!!!

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