<< Paul >>

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*Smut warning**
Daddy kink*

Paul pov:
Matt asked me to lock up so i did, that ment everyone else would leave before me.. I was cool with that, right when i was locking up i remembered that its me and girlfriends date today so I rushed home.. When i came home i heard slight giggling and it kinda sounded like a man talking "babe you home?" No response back... So i went upstairs to check on her and turns out she has been sleeping with some guy for days.. I dont know how i didnt notice, when I walked into the room i saw it.. Them... I spoke up and said "really? After 2 years of being together?" There was a long pause.. "Get out... NOW!" (im not saying that pauls girlfriend would ever cheat on him) my EX girlfriend said "what?" "Are you def? I said GET OUT NOW!" They left in like 2.38 seconds.. I didnt know who to call, or where to go.. I called my best friend y/n..

Hey y/n...

Hey paul! Whats up?

Hey umm.. *sniffle* can I come over? *sniffle*

Yeah.. Whats wrong? Are you okay?

Yeah im *sniffle* fine..

Okay I'll leave the door unlocked for you.

Okay thanks

End of convo**

Y/n pov:
I dont think paul was okay... It sounded like he was crying and paul never crys.. I was waiting on my couch when I heard the sound of a door shut, my door, i looked back and saw Paul's tear stained face. I jumped up and said "Omigosh paul are you okay?!" He looked at me and just jumped in my arms.. "She- she c-cheated" he cryed in my shoulder.. We stayed there for about a minute or two and he said "do you mind if I stay here for a little while?" "Stay here as long as you want." I said with a smile. I wasnt going to lie i had a little crush on paul but when i found out that his girlfriend cheated on him I was angry for him. I wanted to and and give that girl a piece of my mind but I didnt ..i decided that it was time to tell him.. "Hey paul?" "Yeah?" "Uhmm well I know that this is a bad time to tell you but... I have had a crush on you since i first saw you and i- i didnt know how to tell you..." It was silent... He was leaning in and i did do too.. Our lips connected.. His were so soft, we kissed for what seemed like forever. Then he took me by my hand and he lead me to my bedroom he gave me the 'are you sure' look i nodded my head yes. He started to take off his colthes and he was left in his boxers, he looked at me and said "your turn missy" I took off all my clothes and he climbed on top of me then he started to kiss my neck down to my breast. I left out a small moan and he make his way down to my ehem* area ehem* and he looked up at me and he licked my pussy "aa-AhaH" he smiled at continued "ahghgh- shii--ima c-cum daddy!" He stopped and he crawled back up to me and i rubed him threw his boxers. He took them off and looked at me then he started to put his tip in me "mhmm shit y/n" he put the rest of him in you "AHH PAUL" i rolled my eyes back and he went faster "shit y/n your so tight- hmgmm!" "Imma cum d-daddy!!" "Wait for me okay baby girl" a few thrust later you said "i cant take it anymore I-i needa c-cum d-daddy pleaseee!" "Hmm okay baby girl go ahead." You came all over his dick and his thrust became mire sloppy so you knew he was close.. Soon enough he came and you guys rode out your highs together. Paul said "that was amazing" i giggled as we tried to catch our breath.. honestly glad he came over..

A/n heyyy all you nastys out there 😂 How ya doin? Did you like it?? Lemme know which one you wanna do next. Please vote! Thanks love you hoeboes byeee 💞

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