<< Paul >>

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Not a smut.. or is it?
Y/n POV:
I was going to my boyfriends house to go and see him. I was visiting L.A. for a while and I decided while I'm here why not go and see him! We did the long distance thing for a while and I couldn't wait to go and see him.. i pulled up to his house. There was another car there... 'hm strange, maybe it's just his friend over' I shrugged it off and knocked on his door. A girl answered..

She said "Who the hell are you?" looking at me like I jus shat on her grandmas head.

"I'm ty's girlfriend, and you are?" I said while doing that thing with yo hand (you know what I'm talking bout right?)

"Uhm- no you got me messed up- I'm his girlfriend we have been dating for 3 months!"

I was in shock. Me and ty have been dating for 4 months... I stormed inside his house and ran up a flight of stairs and searched every room till I found his. He was playing that stupid video game that he always plays. I took a box that was laying on the floor and hit him in the head with it.

"Ow babe don- oh... your not Becky.." Looking at me with fear, anger, and all other emotions in his eyes.

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK!! YOUR A PIECE OF SHIT YOU ASSHOLE!!! YOU CHEATED ON ME FOR 3 MONTHS! WE ARE DONE!" Walking out the door the girl that I saw open the door looked discussed too. I don't feel bad for her but I kinda do..

"NO! Y/n wait! I can explain!" He grabbed my arm and he made a bruise where he grabbed me.

I yanked my arm out of his hands and then I screamed at him "DONT EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!! IM DONE WITH YO CHEATIN HAVING ASS!! I jumped in my car and zoomed off. I had no where to stay or anything and all the hotels were booked cause of the holidays. 'Fucking great!' I put on some music and put it on full blast, then I just let the tears fall off my face... 'why are you always a fuck up y/n?' I thought.

I needed to find a parking lot to park my car in but that didn't go so well.. first I tried a gas station. Since my Jeep windows are tinted you cant see very well. Especially not at night. So a homeless guy tried to break in my car. Then I tried a mc D's across the street. I guess the "owner" came out and told me I was taking up to much space? There was no one there! Then I was driving and saw this big parking lot with no cars. 'Fantastic' I said sarcastically. I parked in a parking spot to the side so no one could really see me THAT good. It was morning and I had JUST opened my eyes and I heard a knock on my window....

A/n: ahahauhuhahha I'm sorry for the cliffhanger butttt what did ya think? I will post part 2 soon! If you want me to do a pacific story then you can message me on instagram at _.itzzzz._suzie
If you message me I will NOT judge you for what kind of story you want! I will do smut if you want me to.
Okie that's it! Buh bye 👋🏽🥰

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