<< Paul >>

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Chapter 2

Recap: I heard a knock on my window...

Paul's pov:
I had heading to work early when I saw someone parked in my spot.. 'strange... no one ever parks in my spot..' I didn't recognize the Jeep either.. I parked beside the Jeep , I saw someone sleeping in their car.. and they didn't work at hi5... I got out of my car and knocked on their car window, I could kinda see through cause of the sunlight shining through the windshield. It was a girl. She was super pretty, I looked in the back of her car and I saw luggage. I knocked again, I saw her shuffle around and then look at the window.

Y/n POV:
I was shuffling around when I looked out my window.. I saw a man standing there, I rolled down my window and smiled sheepishly. He smiled back he said "uh hey umm- you cant sleep here.."
"I know I'm sorry (sniffle) I'll go.." I was in the middle of rolling up my window when I heard him say "wait!" I rolled it back down "yea?" "I never got your name or anything.." he said whilst scratching the back of his neck.

"It's probably best if you don't know who I am but, if you really wanna know I'm y/n."

"Well I'm Paul, do you mind me asking you, what are you doing here?"

"You might want to sit down for this one Paul." I patted my passenger seat. He looked un- even.. "don't worry Paul I don't bite." I said with a slight smile. He walked around my car and opened the door. He sat in my car and he looked at me.. those eyes.. he cleared his throat and I snapped out of my thoughts..

"Oh uhm- anyways I guess I should tell the story huh?"

"Uhm- yeah"

So I told him the story. About how I felt when I saw her open the door, how I felt when I yelled at him. Then I got to the part when I told him about him grabbing my arm. I saw him look down at my arm and his eyes widened, I also looked down at my arm and I hadn't seen it since I was driving. It was bad. It looked like someone had punched me in the arm,

"Oh my gosh a-are you o-okay?" Paul looked at me and he looked pretty concerned..

I quickly hid my arm and then said "it's nothing it doesn't even hurt" with a fake smile. I guess he could see my pain through the smile.

"What do you mean it's nothing?! I looks like you got hit hard!"

"Paul um- just don't worry about it okay?" I started to get confused cause why would a stranger I just met care about me so much???

"N-no, come on, let's go inside and I will see what I can do for you."

I was for real confused right now. But I didn't care anymore and I honestly didn't think he would do anything bad to me. I thought about it for a little while the said "okay fine! But let's make this quick."
He raised his hands in the air and said "okay fine by me... come on" he had a smile on his face, how could someone be so happy? He led me inside and someone walked up to Paul and I.....

A/n: AHHHHHH CLIFFHANGERRRRR.... sowy.. buttt I kinda need a favor from u.. which story do you want me to do next? Example, gunner, woods, etc.   and do you want it to be a smut? Feel free to message me on instagram @_.itzzzz._suzie  , I wont judge you for what story you want me to do. Okie dats all. Wuv u 🥰💙

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