<< woods >>

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Pretend that your roze in the video)

Woods pov:
I was stuck. I had no one to film my video with.. Until i had saw her.. Y/n..

"Heyyyyy y/n.."

"Whatcha want woods?" She turned around slowly and looked at me with a light smile. That damn smile could kill..

"Canyoupleasebeinmyvideo" I said really fast.

"Wha? Say that slower." She said with a chuckle.

"Ehem- will you pleaseee be im my videoooo?"

"Sure!"  She said with a grin


"Yes, what time?"

"Uh-m like in 10-15 minutes, I'll come and get you okay?"

"Okay!!" She walked off with a smile.

I sighed. welp that went better than planned.

//time skip to when we have to go and film\\

Y/n pov:
I saw woods walking up to my office, so i opened the door and he looked at me with that goofy grin, gosh that dumb grin- my thoughts got cut off by woods waving his hands in my face.

"Hello? Earth to y/n? You ready?"

"Oh uhm- yeah!"

"Okay well let go ahead and gead to the edge space."

"We cant walk, cause it too far"

"Ohhh yeah, i forgot!" He said with a smile. That dang smile ugh! I offered to take my car but he insists that we take his car.

//Time skip to when they get to the edge space. \\ Still y/n pov.//

"Okay so we need to go in through the back and wait till someone opens the door." Woods said.

"Okay did Matt tell you if they were filming or?"  I asked shaking my head at the end of my sentence.

"No he said that they got done filming and they were heading out to lunch."

"Okay so we're good?" I asked

"Yeah for sure" he said

We headed to the door and waited, I got bored and wanted a high five.

I put my hand up to get a hi5 (get what I did there eh eh? 😂) he just yeeted my hand and I looked at him with my mouth open and a shocked look on my face.

"Meanie." I said while crossing my arms and pretending to fake pout.

"Fine" he put his hand up to get a high five.

"Nope. Never gunna happ-" i got cut off by his hand covering my mouth. I heard the back door open and i saw Kevin and someone else come out through the back door. I saw that the door was closing so I had to put something at the door to stop it. i had took my clip from my hair and put it in the door. Woods looked at me and put a thumbs up. We went inside.

Woods pov: I was going inside when I was all the sudden shocked by this pain and i fell to the floor y/n being in front of me i guess she heard me and she turned around ans saw me on the floor. Turns out that i steped on a nail and it went through my shoe.

Y/n said "omigosh woods!? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah im fine y/n" i said with a sigh.

"Here let me help you up, on three okay? 1 2 3"

We got up and made it without anyone seeing us, i dunno how, my shoes were squeaking with every step I took. We were in the kitchen and my foot was pretty bad. While y/n was looking for medical care products I said "hurry and go look in the bathroom" she shook her head and left. She was back in 3.2 seconds "wow that was fast" I said with a laugh.

"Well the love of my life is bleeding to death!" She said in hurry.

"Wait. Im the love of your life?" No response. "Y/n?" "Y/n!" I said a little louder.

"YES woods! Golly you are the love of my life!" She said while wrapping my foot. "I have liked you since the first time i saw you woods, it was like love at first sight, and you know i dont believe in that, but you make me happy when im sad". She said while finishing up. "And when I'm not feeling confident you make me feel like im the prettest girl in the world. There happy?" She said finished and getting up. I was shocked. I got up carefully and grabbed her face and kissed her.

Y/n pov:
He grabbed my face and kissed me! I- I- "what was that for?" He just put his finger over my mouth and he said "lets go to the bathroom" I took his hand and led him to the bathroom and i saw him pulling down his pants so i started taking my pants off and i got on my knees and started to deep throat him and moaning into his dick.

"Ahh-HMM shit y/n" he said while throwing his head back and moaning. He grabbed my hair and pulled on it. I was gagging a lil bit but he kept going until he came in my mouth. I swallowed it all. He grabbed my face and kissed me rough. He started to line up his throbbing part and he lined up with me and pushed in me.

"Ahh-  SHIT wOOds- faSter"

"HmmMmM y/n your so tight baby!"
He said thrusting in and out.

After a few thrust and moans later you said "im- going t-to cum AHhHa-"

"Me too princess HmMm-"

Then with that you both came and then he pulled out and said " y/n will you be mine?" "Let me think.. Hmm. Yes" i said wrapping my arms around his waist. "Love you woodland" love you too y/n"...

A/n: hey so like im running out of ideas so let me know and comment if I made any mistakes and what i need to do better! Thanks! Have a good day or night!! Love youu  💞🤘

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