<< Gunner >>

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*Not smut**
*Little bit of cursing**

Y/n pov
I was done filming a rekt video with the guys and to be honest I kinda think that gunner is kinda cute whenever he destroys things.. Like I'm not lying... Ok that prolly sounds wierd but it's whatever- my thoughs got cut off by someone knocking on my office door "Come in" i yelled, not to my surprise it was gunner "hey uh can you come and help me clean up the mess we made in the rekt set" "yeah just gimmie a second and i will be down in a little" "okay" i watched as he left and i saw that he forgot to close my door ( does anyone else get mad when someone comes in your room but they dont close yo door.. Just me okay 😂) when i went to close my office door i saw that there was a note on the handle, it was from gunner, the note said "dont keep me waiting".. I quickly hurried and got to the rekt set and i saw that gunner had roses in one hand and the other hand a note that read "Y/n your the reason why i come to work everyday and the reason why i feel butterflies around me whenever your around.. Be mine? " I looked up with tears in my eyes and smiled and just shook my head yes and kissed him, we stopped whenever I heard the sound of a camera click, i looked over and saw Matt taking pictures on a Polaroid and he whispered "I'll make sure to put these on your desk" gunner nodded and proceeded to kiss me.. I could say that was the best day of my life..

A/n: Heyo guys whatcha think about this one? Make sure you tell me which other person you want next!! And pwease vote 👉👈.. Anyways love you guys byeee 🖤🤙

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