Chapter 21

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A/N I got this idea from the movie "if I stay" it's a really good movie ☺️ Maya is in a coma and sees herself and everyone else but no one can see her. Enjoy.

Chapter 21:

Maya's POV:
I slowly started to wake up, sitting up from where I was laying.

Where was I??

I looked around to see pale walls and very dull furniture.

I rubbed my eyes and slowly stood up from the couch.

I walked around the room and looked at the bed.

It was me.

A couple nurses rushed in and I moved out of the way.

I watched them take out a bunch of chords and start attaching them to the machine.

They didn't seem to notice I was there, it's as if I was invisible.

Suddenly, a doctor came in with a clipboard.

"Any news doctor?" The nurse said.

He nodded, writing on his clipboard. "Well, her brain activity is pretty damaged from the accident. She might not remember everything when she wakes up..."

The nurse nodded, pushing buttons on the machine.

"She'll be in a coma for several days." The doctor said, sighing.

I've heard of comas. I think my grandmother had one and... Died.

I stood up and yelled at them. "I'm not in a coma!! I'm right here!! I remember everything!!"

They didn't do anything, still ignoring me.

"Don't let their family in just yet, we gotta perform some stuff." The nurse said, pulling the bed away.

I watched as the nurse went into another room with me and I rushed after her. "What are you doing!!"

They went into a surgery room and the curtains closed on me. I was blocked Aout.

I felt my head and looked around the pale walls. I don't know what's going on.

I walked through the hallways until I found Lucas and the doctor.

"Mom?! Oh my god." I exclaimed, glancing at the woman next to Lucas.

They didn't hear me of course. The doctor was speaking to them.

"Well we have some results." The doctor said to them.

It was silent and Lucas finally spoke up. "Well??"

I glanced at Lucas for as long as i could.

I remember his name. I remember his face. But I don't remember exactly who he is in my life.

"She'll be in a coma for several days." The doctor said. He left the room to help another patient.

Lucas sat down in a chair and buried his face in his hands. "This is all my fault."

Mom sat there down next to him. "No, it's mostly likely mine. I mean i left her for all these years.."

Lucas shook his head. "Trust me ma'am this is my fault."

"So you are Maya's boyfriend huh?" Mom asked.

Lucas is my boyfriend?? Interesting. He is cute.

Lucas nodded and looked down, not saying anything else.

"I'll be right back." Mom said, standing up.

I watched as she left and then sat down next to Lucas.

"Please be alright Maya." Lucas said, praying out loud.

"I will be." I said.

"You probably won't even remember me..."

I felt tears come to my ears. "I remember you...I'm trying Lucas."

Lucas was done talking and I watched him stand up and look into the hospital room.

I stood up and went next to him.

We both looked into the room and I saw myself in the hospital bed, with chords attached all over me.

I took a deep breath and saw a nurse come out of the room.

"You can go in." She said to Lucas.

"Thanks." He muttered, walking in. I went in behind him.

I watched as Lucas just stared at me for about 10 seconds.

He then pulled up a chair and sat down next to my bed.

He held my hand and waited for me to grab back in the bed. But I didn't.

He then started to speak


To be continued

Where It All Started (sequel to The Challenge)Where stories live. Discover now