Chapter 24

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-two months earlier-
This was after the challenge they did.

Maya was at her locker, putting her stuff away when Riley came up to her.

"So who lost the challenge?" She asked curiously.

Maya shrugged when she suddenly saw Lucas come up beside her.

"Missy lost." He said, smiling in Missy's direction.

Missy was glaring at the couple and then flipped her hair, leaving with her posse behind her.

-present day-
"Wait who's missy?" Maya asked.

"A bitch." Lucas whispered.

"A what?"


Maya shrugged it off and Lucas continued his story.

-later that day-
Maya combed her hair and slipped into some casual clothes,

Lucas was coming over for another "study date" that they used to do when they were fake dating.

Aunt Becky and Ava were gone again.

The doorbell suddenly rang and Maya went down the stairs, and opened the door.

"Hey." Lucas said, smiling at her.

They embraced a hug, staying in that position for a few minutes.

"I missed you." Lucas said, ruffling her hair,

Maya slightly chuckled, "Lucas I saw you two hours ago."


They released the hug and Maya started for the couch.

Lucas grabbed her arm before he could, "I was thinking we go on an actual date..."

Maya looked surprised and turned around. "Is that how you are asking me on a date friar?"

Lucas raised his eyebrows, "fine if you don't wanna go..."

Maya grabbed his hands, "I wanna go! But your asking skills suck."

Lucas scoffed. "You are difficult,"

Maya smiled, grabbing her jacket and slipping it on.

They walked out the front door, hand in hand.

"Where are we going?" Maya asked as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Somewhere you will know." He didn't say anything else.

They headed towards the woods and got deeper in until their stop.

Maya smiled up at the treehouse and saw a nice picnic set up.

"Cowboy, you did this?"

"First off, yes and second, don't call me cowboy!" Lucas said.


Maya climbed up the steps and Lucas climbed up behind her.

Maya peered in the picnic basket and saw food.

"Yes!!! I'm starving." She exclaimed.

Lucas took out the stuff one by one and lastly grabbed out a bag of goldfish.

"Goldfish? Really?" Maya said.

"Yes I love them don't judge me!" Lucas said, holding the goldfish bag closer to him.

A bit of time passed and Lucas was now trying to throw the goldfish in his mouth, but failing.

"Stop your wasting goldfish!" Maya complained.

"You try." Lucas said, handing the bag to her.

Maya shrugged and grabbed a goldfish out of the bag.

She tossed up high and it landed perfectly landed in her mouth.

"Beginners luck." Lucas muttered.

Maya smiled at him. "Are you upset about this?"

Lucas was being stubborn and didn't answer.

Maya leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips. "Better?"

Lucas's smiled and then frowned, "I want more!!"

"Not in public!"

Lucas then grinned. "To my house... Or bedroom."

Lucas picked Maya up and Maya yelped.

Maya then wrapped her arms around his neck. "We better use protection!!"

-present day-
"Does any of this ring a bell?" Lucas asked.

"Ummm..." Maya started.

Then her face lit up. "Lucas!! I remember everything!!"

Lucas beamed and stood up, hugging her a little too tightly.

"Ow Lucas."

Lucas let go. "Sorry."

Lucas sat back down in his chair. "Maya I'm sorry about every--"

Suddenly, nurses came in.

"We gotta do some tests on her now." A nurse said, starting to roll her bed away.

"What? No!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Don't worry about me... I'll be fine." Maya whispered to him.

Lucas stood there, trying to believe her words.

"Oh and Lucas?" Maya said, as she was about to leave the room.


"...I love you."

And she was gone.

Where It All Started (sequel to The Challenge)Where stories live. Discover now