Chapter 26

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Maya's POV:
I sat in my hospital bed, watching tv.

I flipped through the channels until I found a cooking show to watch.

There was suddenly a knock at the door and in came Riley and Farkle.

"Riley!" I said, relieved.

Riley looked delighted. "You remember me?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Of course I do."

Farkle then came over with a bouquet of flowers. "We got you flowers."

I took them and smelled the nice scent of roses. "Thanks guys!"

They hung around for a bit until Riley had to go back home and Farkle was her ride.

"I'll see ya later Maya." Riley said, leaving the room.

The room was yet again silent, besides the television.

A few nurses came in and out to check on me and give me some food to eat.

I stared at the pudding that was in front of me.

Ugh, hospital food sucks just like our cafeteria food.

I glanced at my phone and noticed Lucas hadn't texted me yet.

School was obviously out since Farkle and Riley were just here...

I was beyond confused on my relationship with Lucas.

He has so many secrets but yet I still love him.. This can't be normal.

And I know he has secrets.. I just know.

Aunt Becky and Ava then entered the room, whom I haven't seen in a few days.

Aunt Becky immediately gasped when she saw me. "Oh Maya..."

"Is Maya gonna die?" Ava blurted out.

Aunt Becky ignored her and sat in the chair next to me. "What happened?"

I blinked. "Wait you didn't know I was in the hospital?"

Aunt Becky's face turned red, "umm.. Well... I was awfully busy."

I rolled my eyes. Excuses excuses.

"So who signed me into the hospital?? A parent has to..." I asked curiously.

I saw that a nurse had come in and was checking the computer.

She turned around and looked at us.

"Katy hart signed you in." She said.


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