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𝙅𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙞 𝙍𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙨

"You was high?" Taj asked me

"No, I was sober, she was literally here!" I yelled at the boys

"You over here tripping Jodi" Jaheem told me

"Whatever..why can't we go to the club again?" I asked

Khari sighed. "How many times am I gonna tell you that?"

"As many times as it take for my brain to process everything" I mugged him. "I don't understand why all of a sudden they're closing it"

"I don't even know why ya'll gave me Scooby num-"

"You said something weird happened, you call him when weird things happen, he usually knows what's going on" Syx cut me off

"Why should I trust what a cannibal says?"

"For real though, why we even let him in our house? You know he eats kids" Taj folded his arms

"Don't nobody care about chucky but you" Jaheem shook his head

I went upstairs to get my phone when I saw something standing in the yard, it looked like a man, he was wearing clothes that were torn, a bag was over his head and he had chains wrapped around him. I grabbed my phone fro the bed without taking eyes on him and called Khari.

"Bruh we literally in the house, what the fuck-"

"Come upstairs now!" I hung up before he could argue with me

I heard footsteps coming closer by me. He smacked his teeth. "The fuck am I looking at?"

"I don't know..but it staring at us, it didn't even move"

"Call Scoob" he said and I dailed his number

"Who the fuck is this?"

"Chill the fuck out, im just calling because some man is straing at us from outside"

"Who the fuck is this? I will find you and eat you nigga"

"I'm the girl you saw yesterday at the house" I said

"ohhhhhh you, alright imma spare you for now, but im on my way..whatever you do don't take your eyes off of him" He said sternly

Call ended.

Scoob Lock the doors too

"Tell one of the guys to lock the door" I tod Khari and he pulled out his phone

"Yo..I can't, my phone mess up" He told me.

"Whatchu mean?" I asked

"The screen just went black out of no where, try yours"

I nodded and took my phone back out only for it to fall on the ground. "Fuck" I mumbled. "Stay here, I guess if one of us watching him it's probably good"

"Mmcht, you on some white girl shit but ight"

I ran downstairs to lock the front door. "Ya'll start locking the back door and the windows" I demanded

"What's wrong?" Taj asked

"Some creepy guy is watching me and Khari and Scooby told us to lock up, so get to it!!!" I yelled and they all got up

I went back upstairs. "I told you to watch him!" I yelled at Khari who was looking by the window

"I am whatchu mean?" He asked

"I can't see him"

"Huh? He's literally over there" He pointed but he wasn't no where.

I turn around to see that he was right behind me. "Khari turn around he's right here!" I kept tugging at his sleeve on his shirt.

"No he's not Jodi, he's literally outside in the yard" Khari shrugged.

I kept looking at him as he kept looking at me, I went to grab something that's when he attacked me and I let out a loud scream making Khari turn around and run to me.

"What is your problem fool?" He looked at me stupid. "How you getting dragged and no one there?"

"Someone is here! He's dragging me Khari!"

He looked at me stupid then turned back to the window. "He's gone" He then turned around and pointed to the wall. "Jodi you tripping, he over there"

"Khari, I'm telling you he's dragging me, he's literally right in my face!" I screamed but I don't think he saw

That's when we both heard footsteps. "Scooby help" I grabbed onto the legs of the dresser

He grabbed a mirror and aimed it at the guy that was dragging me, it was like some magic type shit, the dude just swirled like a tornado and went in the mirror.

"Scooby, he's right there bruh" Khari facepalmed

"Look, I told ya'll to keep ya'll eyes on the first one, if you take your eyes off of the original one it creates another one, and the other person cannot see the one the other person's see, and if the next person looks away it creates another one, so basically that's why you and Khari didn't see the other copies of the first one, and neither can I, ya'll just gon have to be careful" Scooby explained and we both nodded

"Khari..I know I say imma tough bitch but I don't fuck with this shit, you can't stay here" I told him and his eyes widen

"This house was created for me, ion wanna live in a already build house Jodi, and I can't get another build house because of the corona, im staying here"

"Whatever, im not coming back here until I know it's gone" I grabbed all my things and ran downstairs.

"What happened?"

"why was ya'll screaming?"

I ignored all questions and comments because I was trying to get out of there, today was the real day I was gonna live my life in TREPIDATION and I meant it.


Ya'll, this chapter was ass, I really aint know what i was gonna do with this story but I came up with this..

I havent seen nobody do this so this is different...but ion like it, I feel like it got to much going on and shit..

I might re-write the whole book, just comment and tell me

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍║𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙆 1&2Where stories live. Discover now