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𝙅𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙞 𝙍𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙨

"What the fuck" I mumbled as I looked at my surroundings

We was in a dark room, there was no type of light. It sounded like water was dripping from the ceiling. I really can't discribe it considering I could barely see.


"Who the fuck is that?" I asked

"It's me" I heard Taj voice. "I prayed to god he'd make me turn into a fly, I think it worked"

"Khari? Oliva?" I whispered ignoring Taj dumbass

Next thing oyou kow the door opens exposing the light and I squint my eyes. "I see ya'll are awake"I heard a mans voice.

"It's funny how you think you were gonna get away" He looked at me. "The rest of you are take down by association"

"Wait, so you the one who killed our sisters?" I asked him

"I paid someone too, know you know how it feels to loose someone important to you" He bent down to me

"W-What? I didn't kill nob-"

"Don't even let that lie fly out your mouth, you know what you did" He said through gritted teeth

"If I knew I would've told you" I stared at him blanky. "If I killed the person it must've meant I don't care about them so I would've gladly told you" I shrugged

"You got a smart ass mouth for someone who could possibly die"

"Like I said in jail, everyone dies so I'm not stressing"

"Mhm...work for me" He stood up. "All of you, and you don't have a choice"

"Jaheem and Syx come lead them to the wash rooms" He yelled and my eyes widen

They both came into the room and froze. "What are ya'll doing here?" Syx asked

"No what the fuck are ya'll doing? Ya'll supposed to be our friend but y'll went behind our ba-"

"Jodi chill, they aint know shit about the business and you know that and before all this business shit the four of us used to work for nigga's to get our money" Taj cut me off

"So...how did they know where I stay at? Ya'll the only two including Taj and Khari that know"

"Bitch don't leave chucky out of this?" Taj mugged me

"And chucky" I mumbled

"Jodi..i'm sorry, we ain't know they was gonna kill her, he told us ya'll had made a deal, that you would take the drugs to your house because the police was on their backs and they pay you 300k a month, he even showed a contract so we believed it, he never told us about Lala being dead, he even told us you and her weren't even at the house when they arrived" Jaheem said

We didn't say anythig back and they took the chains off of us, I pushed passed everyone and went looking for the bathroom.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I heard a familar voice.

I turned around. "Dior what the fuck?"

"Yea bitch wassup? Why you not dead yet? I'll be the one to finish you" She bucked at me

"Stay in your place, you aint that dumb, that's why Taj broke up with your ass"

"Girl I don't give a fuck, I was only with him so I can find out where ya'll bitches work?"She stuck her tongue out. "That's why we ran in your shit"

I ran up on her ad started punching her left and right, she had me fucked up. Sis was pulling hair and not getting no hits.

"How. You. Talk. Shit. And. Get. Yo. Ass. Beat." I said between punches

I spotted a knife and hurried up and grabbed it, once she realized what I had in my hand she bumped heads with me and I instantly fell back. My head was spinning and I know hers was too but I still got up and stabbed her multiple times.

After I did what I did I went in the bathroom and took off my clothes, but I made sure to brush my teeth before I did any of that.

I put the soap on the washcloth and started to wash myself, I was just thinking about how crazy my life has been, I almost died plently of times but im still here.

I heard the shower curtain move but I didn't pay no mind until I felt someone behind me. "Who's in here?" I didn't bother to turn around

"You already know who this is" The voice said

"Khari you know that ion like nigga's, when we had sex that was a mis-"

"No it wasn't, you wanted to fuck just as much as I did"

"Okay and? Doesn't matter you didn't make me straight, when I saw all them girls in Juvy I knew I would never be"

He grabbed my arm and made me face him. "Let me do attempt number 2?"

"No cause that's the only reason why you started talking to me, you just wanted pussy out of me-"

"Whatchu taking about? I been wanted you before I knew you was gay even though we kidnapped and almost killed you"

"I don't want you thou-"

He grabbed my arm and pointed to a certain spot. "You see this? I been put that on you, I thought I told you, you forever mine"

"Forever don't last"

"In this case, it does, you gon have this on you forever, when we dead you still mines, whatchu taking about?"

"Whatever Khari" I mumbled and turned away from him

"See...you killed your momma and I fucked Samaj cousin, so we not shit but if we come together we could be the shit" He said and I snapped my head at him

"What kind of logic is that? Makes no sense Khari"

"Same way how you like fake dick and not real dick, doesn't make sense but you don't hear me complaining"

"That's none of your bus-"

"Whatever Jodi, I don't care" He got out and dried himself

"You mad?" I asked staying in

"You not gonna get out?" I shook my head no. "When you come out looking old as hell don't say nothing"  He left the bathroom before I could say anything.

I sighed and sat down on the little bench that was placed in the shower, I already branded Oliva so she was mines, how could I be for somebody and somebody for me?

After a while I dried off and put on some clean clothes. "Why the fuck is Dior hanging from the dresser with a rope in her throat?" I heard someone say

"Aw someone discovered my art, lemme take a picutre before you destroy it" I took my phone out

"I'm not" The man said

"Okay well who wants to buy it? It's for sale for 400k, I'll even put my autograph on it" I grabbed a sharpie and wrote on her face.

"Now it's 500k"

"How come?" The man asked

"Cause that was hard work getting her fat ass up there" I looked at him stupid

"Mhm" He nodded his head. "Okay, someone will buy it soon but tomorrow I'll tell you and your friends the plan"

"The plan for the missions?" I asked and he nodded. "Can we still work our business?"

"Yes but you'll have to complete your missions as well" He told me

"Who did I kill? " I asked making him look at me

"Stacey..my daughter"


Okay, im updating this as fast as I can, I wanna end this book no cap

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍║𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙆 1&2Where stories live. Discover now