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i walked into my class and sat down since no one was there, ten minutes pass and kirishima walks in. "hey! you're the new girl right?" he asks.
and i nod, "cool! wanna sit with me at lunch?!" he yells happily. "you don't even know my name or anything about me." i stated monotone, "yea but you're new and i always do that to new people!" he said happily again and then sero ashido bakugou and kaminari walked in along with midoriya uraraka and Iida walked in too. "sure i'll eat with you." i said monotone and he sat next to me and i picked the wrong spot because bakugou already started to yell at midoriya and then turned to me. "WHO ARE YOU?!!" he yelled, "Y/N." i said bluntly, "WHY ARE YOU SITTING NEXT TO ME?!!" he yelled in my ear, "i didn't know you sat there, sorry." i said grabbing my stuff but kirishima grabbed my shoulder and kinda calmed bakugou down, "why are you not threatened by me at all." he mumbled but i caught it, "what's your quirk?" kirishima asked. "it's called avatar. i call control the five elements." i explained he nodded, "what is yours?" i replied. "oh it's nothing cool but i can harden any part of my body." he said sadly, "are you kidding? that is cool! you're literally a human shield and you could have swords for hands!" i said flicking in the head, "don't doubt yourself idiot!" i almost shouted, he laughed softly. "thanks Y/N." he said grinning and i nodded as class started.

i sat beside kirishima as bakugou glared at me and i glared back and he looked away, i didn't eat so i played with a water ball in my hands. "um. what's that?" ashido asked, "my quirk." i replied. "woah." they all said except bakugou. then a kid from class 1-B came over and i could tell they didn't like him, not even kirishima. i turned the water ball into a water spear and made it glaze his ear, he held his ear and yelled out in pain and i watched as he ran to the nurses office. i levitated the spear back to me and made it water, and everyone at the table was staring. "what? he was obviously about to say something immature." i said blankly, and bakugou actually smiled "i like this girl." and then they all laughed and i was kinda confused but shrugged it off.

-after school-
i had detention but at least i wasn't alone, bakugou of course was there with me. "so what do you usually do for detention?" i asked, "what's that supposed to mean?!!" he almost shouted. "your spirit has been in here before. i can sense it i guess." i said shrugging he sighed, "i usually do nothing. for three hours." he said bored. i sighed, i had to be here for three hours and bakugou isn't the easiest to talk to. "it's hot open the window." bakugou barked i rolled my eyes and opened the window and a bird came flying in and landed on my arm, i walked back to my seat and pet the bird. he walked to bakugou who was currently sleeping and pecked him, bakugou opened his eyes and looked at the bird. the bird stared at bakugou and i made air whoosh around him and he started to fly around like a bird, "Y/N PUTMEDOWN!" he yelled i shrugged and dropped him on to the ground with a thud. he groaned and sat up, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR??!!" he shouted, "the bird wanted to play." i said monotone, he growled and sat in his seat and went back to sleep again. only 30 minutes has passed, and my friend the bird left and i just sat there before bakugou stirred and fell out the chair but i caught him with air. he looked exhausted, i made a vine bed and layed him in it.

-two hours later-
bakugous eyes fluttered open, "someone's awake." i said looking at him he sat up and rubbed his eyes with his hand, "what the..what is this?" he said his voice deeper then usual, "they're vines you fell asleep and you almost fell out of the chair but i caught you and put you in that." i explained cracking my knuckles. "why didn't you wake me up?!" he shouted, "you are exhausted. you haven't been eating or sleeping." i said with a stern tone. he averted his eyes and i tosses my bento box over to him, "eat." i said harshly. he looked up at me and then began to eat it, he basically swallowed the whole thing. "how'd you even keep it warm?!!" he yelled. i made a flame in my hand and then extinguished it, "is that how you're not freezing right now?" he asked shivering and i nodded i can regulate my body temperature." i said monotone again. he stomped over to me and grabbed my arm i made my arm hot and he backed away, i made a flame and he went towards it. "couldn't have you just used your own quirk?" i asked, "i'm not w-wasting my energy." bakugou said and i rolled my eyes, i made the flame bigger and he rubbed his hands together. "thanks i guess." he said quietly and i nodded. we sat there for about 20 minutes, "doesn't your arm hurt?" bakugou asked confused, "my parents trained me extremely harshly at a young age so i don't have many weaknesses i do a lot of endurance training." i explained and he nodded, "i can do this little flame for about five hours." i said a little proud of myself and his jaw dropped. he mumbled something and noticed the bruises and scars on my arm, "did you-" he got cut off. "you two can go home now." principal nezu said and it turns out we walk the same way and live right next to each other, "HEY Y/N BAKUBRO C'MON LETS GO TO THE PARK!" kirishima ran up to us, "but i have to tra-" i got cut off. "you can train later!!!" bakugou yelled at me, "if i don't train my dad will get mad..and he'll-" bakugou cut me off again. "ILL TRAIN WITH YOU NOW C'MON!" he said dragging me to the park, i really hope he isn't kidnapping me.

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