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we had all been sitting in bakugous room, it was painfully silent. i huffed but glanced at bakugou who had also huffed at the time same time i did, he was staring at the ceiling. i noticed i was staring but before i could look away he stared at me, we held eye contact he looked confused but i only stared into his red eyes...they were so damn beautiful. "what dumbass." i smirked, "sorry your eyes are just so damn beautiful i couldn't take my eyes off of em'" bakugou blushed hard and looked at the ceiling, still with a huge blush on his face. kaminari started to snicker,

"that's the first time i've seen him blush!" he only continued to laugh. "SHUT IT PIKABITCH!" i shook my head ruffling the angry blondes hair calming him down somewhat.

"pffft. looks like sparkys gone soft" denki stated, his sentence being followed by loud laughter. bakugou growled ripping away from my touch making explosions in his palms.

"DAMN YOU PIKA-BITCH!" i sighed, chuckling. "what am i going to do with you two?" denki only smiled widely and bakugou glared.

"i'm just sayin' you guys are a handful." only more glares from my hot headed boyfriend were sent my way while a smiling denki giggled and sat down taking out his phone and started to charge it. they were so different.

bakugous always yelling and denkis just goofy. "hey baku-"

"katsuki" he grumbled. "huh?"

"call me katsuki dumbass. we're together aren't we? so call me katsuki!" i smiled and nodded, "so katsuki how'd you meet the bakusquad?"

"it was all raccoon eyes. i didn't do none of that crap." i nodded as it made sense mina always seemed like an extrovert to me even before she spoke to me. "i'm bored" denki had a frown plastered on his face

"well what do you feel like doing idiot?"


all of you make sure to drink water and have a good day/night etc etc!

cya :3

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