Chapter One.

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"Class, this is Romeo Perez, he just transferred from Ardford High." The class remains silent, as they always do, and stare at the new boy.

He's gorgeous, for lack of a better word. His tall, lanky body is positioned awkwardly, not quite sure what to do with his gangly limbs, I suppose.

His dark gray eyes seem to take in everything at once, cold in comparison to the deep dimple and brilliant white smile on the lower portion of his face.

"Well don't be so excited," he says quietly, and I hear the slight shake in his voice. Faking confidence. He runs a hand through his dark, quiffed hair and walks to the seat Mr. Reed points him to.

The empty one next to mine.

He plops down, laying his binder on top of the desk as Mr. Reed continues his speech about World War II. I can't help but notice the way that all the girls, (and some guys) are staring at him. Its not until class ends that I realize what they were staring at.

The hearing aid is barely noticeable at first glance. A simple, flesh colored thing hooked around his ear. As he walks, he keeps his head down. I lose sight of him in the mass of anxious students, all almost sprinting to get away from this tiny piece of hell.

I manage to get out to my car without any serious injuries, and only three times were my supplies sent flying as other people ran into me. A new record.

As I open the door, I see the new boy again. His head is still down, and I see a group of boys approaching him.

The evil in their eyes is obvious, and a few seconds later I find myself watching in horror as Romeo is kicked to the ground, blood streaming down his face from what I'm guessing is his nose.

The cowards run off, and I don't regain my senses for another few moments. People walk by him, barely giving him a glance.

I grab my whiteboard and marker and sprint to him, realizing with horror and disgust that there is more blood than I thought.

I slide off my black jacket and sit him up, pressing my jacket to his blood soaked face. For a brief moment I wonder if he is unconscious, but then his eyes flutter open. The striking gray contrasts highly with his olive skin, and I find a small, anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach.

He holds the sweater to his face and I sit down, writing a few words on my whiteboard.
Do you want me to take you home?

He bites down on his lip, leaning his head back. I notice the clenching of his jaw and can almost hear the rush of blood in his veins.

"I don't even know your name," he says harshly. My eyebrows furrow and I scribble some more words down.
Fine. Sit here and bleed to death then.

I get up, but I feel his hands wrap gently around my wrist and pull me back down. "Are you one of those?" Upon realizing how he worded this statement, his eyes widen. "No- no, I swear to god I- I didn't mean it like that." He takes a breath and releases my hand. "Are you mute?" I nod and turn to walk away again.

This time, he gets up and follows me. "Well, if you would tell me your name, I would love for you to take me home, because its starting to rain, and water plus my hair is not a good mixture." He gives a soft laugh, and I smile back, enticed by his personality. I lean my board on the side of a car.
My name is Myah.

"Myah," he says quietly, his head bobbing. "I like it." We walk in silence back to my car, blood still pouring from his nose and a gash on his forehead. I hand him my board, and he jots his address down in the neatest hand writing I've ever seen.

As I start the car, I hear an ever so quiet, "Thank you" come from the beautiful boy sitting next to me.

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