chapter 1

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Third person pov:
"Please Antonio for the respect you had for Adam" Ana says
"I would love to but you know how that's gonna look to the other mafias" Antonio says
"She isn't cut out to be leader" Ana says
"The only way I could protect her 100% is to marry her with my son" he says
"I can't do that to her" Ana says crying
"That's the only way Ana" Antonio says
Ana starts crying.
"I have to, so she'll be safe" Ana says
"Don't worry they don't have to do anything without consent it's just for the publicity" he assures Ana
And nods.

Y/n pov:
I was in my room still crying it's been two weeks since my dad passed away and I hadn't left my room.
"Sweetie we need to talk" I hear my mom knocking behind my door
"Mama I don't wanna be leader you know I'm too weak" I tell her
"Mija i arranged a marriage for you" she says in a low voice
"What??" I say getting up
"Mija it's the only way to keep you safe" she says looking at me
"Mama I want to marry someone I love" I say with rage
"Mija it's just for publicity you don't have to do anything with him" she says
"Who is he?" I ask
"An old friend of your fathers son" she says
"Who?" I ask
"You won't remember him you were little when you met him" she says
"Fine, as long we are safe" I say finally giving in
"Mija im really sorry it was for your own good" she says with tears forming.
"When is the wedding?" I ask
"One week" she says
I look at her with my eyes wide open and get up from my bed all she does is look down.

Mattia pov:
"No not gonna happen papa" I say annoyed
"I'm not asking you your doing it because it's an order" my dad says
"Papa i DONT want a commitment" I say to him
"It's just for publicity you don't have to do anything g with her" he says
"Ughhh who even is the girl?" I ask
"Adam Gonzalez' daughter" he says
"Who are they?" I ask
"Old friends" he says bluntly
"When is this wedding anyway" I ask
"A week so go with the boys to buy a suit" he says throwing me a stack of cash
"Mattia lower your voice it's been decided" he says
I walk out of the room with rage I walk down stairs to the living room and I sit on the couch with an annoyed face.
"What happened" kairi asks me
"I'm getting married" I say rolling my eyes
Both kairi and ale laugh at me as if I was joking I keep a straight face on. They turned to look at me to see that I wasn't laughing
"Your serious?!" Alejandro says
"Does it look like a joke?" I say rolling my eyes
"Who's the lucky girl?" Kairi asks
"Some daughter of an old friend of my dad's" I say rolling my eyes

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