Chapter 24

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Y/n pov:
When I saw them my heart dropped. The one thing I was afraid of happened. He promised he wouldn't hurt me and that's the first thing he did.

I continue to walk up to my room and I kairi just stays standing there until mattia acknowledged his presence.

"Wtf is wrong with you?" He tells him in a harsh voice.

"How could you do that to her?" He says

"Cause he loves me get over it kairi, I was just a deal for mattia" jenna says smirking and kissing mattia again

"So your just gonna stay quiet?" Kairi says, "your a pussy Mattia"

I hear him say all that from my room and I just break down.

I hear kairi come in.

"You good?" He asks

"Yea, I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later I'm glad it happened sooner then later." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I really Did think that he loved you im so sorry" he says hugging me.

"Kai if you don't mind imma go to sleep I'm tired" I say as I lay down he nods and leaves the room.

Mattia pov:
I continue to kiss jenna while I hear kairi follow y/n up to her room. Then i push her off.

"Wtf??" She says in a whisper voice

"You know what the deal was so stick to it." I say harshly

She rolls her eyes and goes to her room.

I hear kairi walk into the kitchen. He looks straight at me with disappointment.

"That's low Mattia" he says shaking his head

"Look I don't love her ok I just told her that so she could do the treatment" I say to him

"If you DONT care for her why did you get jealous when she was around Kevin" he asks

"I wasn't jealous I just don't think he's good for her" I snap at him

"Oh but you are right?" He responds sarcastically

"Look I don't need to give you any explanations, just mind your own kairi" I say to him as I walk up to my room.

-one month later-

"Come on jenna we gotta go we are going to be late" I shout from the door.

"Coming babe, give me one second" she shouts back I roll my eyes as I start walking to the garage to start the car.

As I open the garage door I see y/n reaching for a box. She turns and looks at me and continues to reach for the box.

"Need help?" I ask politely.

"Yes please" she says giving me a slight smile.

"What's in the box?" I ask

"Personal stuff" she says

"BABE im ready" I hear jenna say

I leave y/n and get in the car to go to the doctors appointment. That small conversation me and y/n had was the longest one in a month.

Trust me I know what your thinking. It's all my fault but if she only knew why I'm doing what I am doing. No one does only jenna.i hate not talking to y/n but it had to be done.

Y/n pov:
One freaking month since I started chemo I'm not gonna lie and say it gets easier cause it doesn't but kairi and Kevin have been there for me. And Avani has come to visit a few times.

But mattia completely shut me out we haven't talked. Kairi moved in with us so I wouldn't be alone especially with that bitch jenna.

"Hey you found it" kairi says helping me with the box.

"Yea it was in the garage" I say following him to my room.

"So whats inside?" He asks

"My dads things you know mafia stuff and a few valuable stuff" I say

"So why decide to look through it now?" He asks

"I mean I didn't want to look before cause it was hard for me but now I feel ready" I say

"Ok well I'm here for you so let's see what your old man had" he says smiling

-about two hours later-

"Holy shit all these things are amazing" kairi says

"Yes they are, so many secrets" I say holding up a portrait.

"Hmm cool artifacts too, these things are ancient" he says holding up a gun.

"Holy shit look at this look at the initials" he says pointing at letters on the bottom of the gun.

I look at it and they read M.I.F (I don't remember if I put a last name for y/n so it's gonna be Gonzales)

There was a paper attached to the gun with a string.

Death brought us together and death will take us apart.
-Luis G

"Do these names ring a bell?" Kairi asks

"Uhh if I'm not mistaken those were my grandparents" I say smiling

"Look at all these letters" he says pulling out a stack of letters tied together

I grab them and I read each and everyone of them.

"Damn they really loved each other" I say as a tear drop falls down my cheek.

"So what were there names?" Kairi asks

"My grandmother was Maria Isabella Fernandez Perez and my grandfather was José Luis Gonzales" i say smiling at him.

"Did you meet them?" He asks

"No they died on a mission and my dad took over, he told me their love story so many times" I say smiling with a tear falling down.

"One day I want to have what they had, they were ride or die" I say as my smile disappeared as I think of mattia.

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