Chapter 12

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Before I start I want to say that there will be very triggering topics so please skip if you are sensitive to attempt to suicide. Also please remember you are important. I am always here if you ever need help just hit me up. Remember you are worth everything.
Y/n pov:
(1 week later)
It's been days I lost count maybe it's been a week. Oven been stuck in a dusty room. Maximo comes every few hours. I get food and water. And he even has his "fun" with me I've lost all my tears. Mattia hasn't come and honestly I don't think he will. I was no longer scared if they wanted to kill me they could I had nothing to live for. My thought were interrupted by the door opening.
"Hey princess" maximo says with a smirk on his face and a tray in his hand
I stay quiet.
"Ok time to eat" he takes a spoonful and puts it up to my mouth.

I finish eating and he starts to kiss my neck. I just freeze at this point, I don't resist anymore. My body doesn't react. I feel broken.
I hear gun shots and maximo ducks. I see bullets flying and I just froze.
"GET HER" I hear a voice I look up and see mattia
Alejandro comes up and unties me and grabs my hand and we run out. Everything happened so fast I had no time to react. I see mattia drag maximo out of the house put him in his knees. He points a gun at his head.
"Mattia, wait" I say getting out of the car
"What?" Says still holding a gun at him
"Put the gun down" I say
"Aww princess you can't live without me?" Maximo says with a smirk on his face.
"Y/n let me kill him" mattia says
"No" I say as I grab the gun out of his hand
I point it at maximo. I don't even flinch as I pull the trigger. I see his body collapse on the floor. I look at him and then walk out of the car.

Mattia pov:
She had no emotion as she pulled the trigger. She no longer had the innocence in her eyes. He broke her. I was shocked she had killed him with no effort, she didn't even flinch. We got in the car she was quiet the entire way home. We arrived and I see Kevin outside the door. He turns around and he sees y/n walk out of the car.
"Omg y/n are you ok?!?!" He asks as he try's to grab her but she backs up. She looks at him with disgust.
"Y/n?? It's me Kevin" he says trying to grab her again but she backs away
"I-I can't please just go" She says to him
"But-" he says
"Kevin I think it's best if you leave" I say
"Fine call me when you feel better" he says to y/n
He leaves and I try to grab y/n to take her in the house. She flinches at my touch.
"Do touch me" he says
"Y/n I'm just trying to help you" I say confused
"I DONT NEED YOUR HELP" she yells and walks up to her room.
"Woah what's up with her?" Kairi says chuckling
"He did something to her" I say
"How do you know" he asks
"Isn't it obvious? She flinches at everyone's touch" I say
"Do you think he hurt her" alejandro asks
"I wouldn't doubt it" I say

I walk up to y/n room. And knock on her door.
"Y/n do you need something" I ask
"LEAVE ME ALONE" she shouts I hear her sobbing
I open the door and I see her curled up on her bed and had a pillow. I sit on the edge of her bed and I try to reach for her. Once I touch her she gets away from my touch
"Y/n I'm just trying to help you" I say
"WELL YOU CANT SO GET OUT" she had rage in her eyes
"No I'm not leaving, not until your ok" I say
She looks up at me and starts to slap me and punch me. I don't stop her
"GET OUT" she screams as she throws punches
I just stood there she needed to let her anger out. After a few punches she collapsed on the floor crying.
"What happened?" I say hugging her
"He hurt me" she says sobbing
"Your ok now" I say
"No I'll never be ok" she says
"What did he do" I ask
"I-I to-ld him no but he didn't listen" she sobs
"Y/n did he rape you?" I ask calmly
"I couldn't do anything" he says
"Hey it's ok, your safe now, no one will ever hurt you" I say
"Mattia I want to be alone" she says
I get up and walk out of her room. I walk to the kitchen. And I see kairi and alejandro.
"We hurt the screams" ale says
"The bastard raped her" I say with anger
"Is she ok?" Kairi says
"Are you stupid kairi, the girl was RAPED" I say rolling my eyes
"I know sorry I just.." kairi says
"Just shut up" I say
After we talk about business. I decide to go check on y/n. I walk into her room it's empty. I see the bathroom light on and I walk in and I see bloody water on the floor. I look at the bathtub and I see y/n lying there with her arms out I see two deep cuts on each arm the water was over flowing. I run up to her.
"Y/n Y/n, what have you done," I hold her in my arms.

I'm so sorry I feel like this story is boring. I'm just so busy with homework right now and I'm stressing for my AP tests. Anyway I promise this story will get better.

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