Chapter 26

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Third person Pov:

Mattia left the door frame where he heard y/n talking to kairi. He walks to his room where he sits on his bed and he gets a call.

"What's wrong?" He says into the phone.

While in the other room y/n remembers all the memories she had with mattia.

All of them gone and she couldn't do anything about it. She started to feel tears fall down her cheeks.

But soon she would receive the worst news ever.

Y/n pov:
As kairi starts to help me clean the mess we made I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in" I say not looking at the door

"Um y/n?" I hear mattia's voice shaky

"What's up?" I say confused as to why he was in my room.

"I'm so sorry" he says looking down avoiding eye contact

"Mattia what are you talking about?" I say getting worried

"It's your mom" she finally says

I start to panic " What happen to her?"

"She was killed" he says slowly

At that moment my heart dropped. First my father and now my mother. Why was this happening to me?

I fell to my knees and I started to cry. Kairi comes behind me and comforts me.

"Mattia" I say looking up

"Yes?" He asks

"I want you to find out who did this and kill them" I say angry.

"Y/n I'm sorry we can't have a war right now" he says

"What? What did you say?" I get up and look at him with rage.

How could he have the audacity to tell me what I couldn't do. He had both his parents he was gonna start a family he was happy. I had nothing anymore it was all taken from me even my health.

"You know what, you've never been there for me and when I thought you were being sincere, you stabbed me right in the back so you know what" I say getting into his face. "I'll find him myself and kill him, and I'll kill anyone in my way, including YOU"

Mattia pov:
"including YOU" that repeated in my head.

That's how she felt about me. I felt like shit but I couldn't start a war right now. Not with my jenna situation.

She closed the door in my face and started yelling in her room. Thank god Kairi was here.

I grab my gun and I walk out of the door.

-one hour later-

I arrived at a warehouse that looked abandoned. I walk in and two men stop me.

"I'm here to see Mariano castaño" I say to the men

"Who are you?" One asks me

"Mattia polibio leader of the italian mafia" I say confidently.

They look at each other and nod and they let me in. I walk through the club and I look around the vip area until I find the one and only Mariano.

He sees me and walks up to me.

"The Mattia Polibio, a pleasure" he says shaking my hand.

"Mariano Castaño" i say smiling

"What can i do for you?" He Asks as we sit down.

Ive known mar for a while now. We are very good allies. We met at a ball. Let's just say we've been through tough shit.

"I need a favor" I say as I sip the drink I was offered

"I'll do the best I can" he says smiling.

Y/n pov:
I stay in my room for the rest of the day. Kairi left since he had some things to take care of so I was left in the house alone with the wonderful jenna. Which is why I stayed in my room ain't no way I was gonna run into her.

"Hey lazy why don't you ever leave this room" I hear a voice say as the door opens

"I stay here so I don't have to see you" I say looking at jenna.

"Why wouldn't you wanna see my face" she says snapping at me.

"UGHHH get out of my room before I put a bullet in your brain" I tell her as I pull my gun out pointing it to her.

"Hmm y/n put the gun down cause i don't think mattia would like that" she says

"Then GET out" I say as she rolls her eyes and leaves.

-two weeks later-

I was getting ready for my moms funeral. I was extremely tired due to all the chemo I felt like I couldn't deal with things alone.

"Hey um you ready to go?" I hear mattia ask

"Yes let's go" I say as I slowly walk to him.

"Hey do you feel ok you seem tired" he says

"I am but I have to go besides I have to take her place even though I never wanted it" I say grabbing his arm.

Mattia pov:
After today things were gonna change y/n was going to become the leader of the mafia. She was going to say farewell to her mother.

We arrived at the chapel.

"Come on" I say as I hold my hand out for her.

We walk up to the chapel and many people come to give their condolences. Since we are "married" he act like a couple.

We were interrupted by gunshots everyone quickly gets down. I cover y/n with my body until I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

Y/n pov:
After we all duck due to the gunshots mattia covers me until I see his shirt get stained in blood.


"MATTIA" i shout as i cover his wound

"No no no" i look at him " baby please no i need you"

"I love you, I always will" he says as his eyes start closing.

"No, DONT close you eyes stay with me" I say shaking him.

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