Chapter 18

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Mattia pov:
I was almost done cooking the food (your fav food). I put it on a tray and I took it up to her. I opened the door slowly. When I walked in she was on her phone.
"Hey i made you food so you could eat" I say placing the tray next to her
"Thank you, you didn't have to" she says smiling
"Oh my favorite" she continues.

She finished eating her food and she looked at me.
"Mattia I need to tell you something" she says
"Ok whats up?" I say
"I- uhhh" she starts
"Y/n if you don't wanna talk about it's fine" I say cutting her off
"No it's about-" she says but it's cut off my my phone ringing
"Oh shit I gotta take this" I says walking out

Y/n pov:
I was going to tell him but he got a phone call. At first I just didn't want to do the chemo because I was afraid of the pain and the time it would take to heal but now I was scared of being alone.

Yes I know mattia has a dangerous line of work and he's always going to be busy. Kevin couldn't stay with me 24/7 either he had to run things as well. And we'll my mother ran the mafia. I was alone and there was nothing I could do about it.

Sometimes I wish I had a normal life. I wouldn't have to worry about mafias and killing. I could find love and live happy, but I was born into this life and I can't run from it because it's a part of me.

One month later

The tumor is only getting bigger and my headaches are getting worse mattia has made me see different doctors but I always convince them to not tell him anything. I've started to get blurry vision and I get confused very easily.

I talked to my doctor and he said if I wanted to do the chemo it needed to be now before the tumor got too big.

Mattia walks in.
"Hey are you ok?" He asks
"Mhm just need to rest" I say
"Ok well I'm going to head to work see you later" he says
"Ok bye" I say trying to fall asleep.

Mattia pov:
Y/n's headaches are getting worse and she loses balance easy. I've brought different doctors but they all tell me the same thing. Shes just stressed.

I call bullshit but I'm no doctor so I can't do anything about it. I've been extremely busy these past few weeks. Avani has come a lot lately, she seemed like a good friend she was always here for y/n.

"Hey ale is the shipment ready?" I ask
"Yea everything is ready" he says
"Ok perfect" I say

We go on a mission and it went pretty well. Over these past few weeks I've made allies with other mafias. I got to the point where other mafias want to be allies with me instead of enemies. My feelings for y/n grew but she still treated me like she did when we first got married. At this point I didn't know what to do.

Y/n pov:
I was sleeping when I got a phone call from Kevin. Hes been called very often to make sure I'm doing ok.
K: hey
Y: whats up
K: how are you doing
Y: im fine, how's business?
K: oh it's fine you know just normal things
Y: hmm sure
K: your dearest husband is becoming a threat to many people
Y: well he's been busy so I would assume it's to get better
K: yes of course
K: so your still not taking the chemo
Y: you know what my thoughts are on that
K: I'll go visit as much as I can
Y: thank you but that's not what I want
K: y/n I know you only see me as a friend but I really do like you and I'm willing to step down for a while to help you get better if that's what you want
Y: thank you Kevin but I can't let you do that because of me
K: but-
Y: Kevin it's time to face reality I'm gonna die in 6 months, when I'm gone I want you to find someone that makes you happy. I can't make you happy
K: don't say that y/n
Y: it's true now I hate to do This but Stop calling me I don't want you to get hurt even more
K: y/n you can't just shut me out
Y: watch me
End of call

"You have cancer?" I hear from the door

I look up at the door and I see mattia leaning on the door frame and I see mattia standing there.

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