Chapter 20

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Kairi pov:
Y/n helps me up and i see her lean on the kitchen counter. I see blood run down her nose.
"Hey are you ok?" I ask
"Why?" She looks at me confused
"Your nose is bleeding" I tell her

As I say that she starts to close her eyes and she collapsed on the floor. She starts shaking.
"She's having a seizure, Alejandro go get mattia" I say holding her head.
"Fuck y/n please just stay with me" I repeat.

I hear foot steps coming down the stairs.
"Call an ambulance NOW" Mattia tells alejandro
"No, y/n please stay with me" he says holding her.

A few minutes later an ambulance arrives and they take her away. Mattia gets in the back with her. Me and ale go to the hospital in the car. We arrive and we go to the emergency room and we see mattia sitting there filling out papers.

Mattia pov:
As I fill out the paper work kairi and alejandro rush in.
"How is she?" Kairi asks
"I don't know kairi maybe you should go ask her she trusts you." I snap at him
"Mattia stop with the attitude, I get your mad but right now we need to make sure y/n is ok" he says calmly
"Look mattia get your mad that I didn't tell you but it wasn't my place to tell." He says
"Ugh just get out of my face" I say sitting back down on the chair
"Mattia I-" he starts
"Kai lets just go we got stuff to do at home" alejandro cuts him off

They walk out of the emergency room and I am alone and stuck with my thoughts. Why wouldn't she tell me? I mean I knew she had feelings for Kevin but couldn't she at least just tel me she was sick. I had so much to think about but my thoughts were interrupted by the doctor coming into the waiting room.

"Mr. polibio." He says
"Yes doctor is she ok?" I ask knowing she's not
"I assume you are aware that your wife has cancer" he says, I nod
"Well she is resting but if you She is thinking of taking chemo she needs to start now or it will be too late" he continues
"May I go in and see her?" I ask
"Yes of course follow me." He says walking me to a where she was

Y/n pov:
(Ok so this next part is gonna be most dialogue so instead of putting quotes around the words I'll just make it seem like a phone call oh and I italics are gonna be her thoughts.)

I see mattia walk in the room and I immediately look away from him knowing that if I look at him I would break.
M: hey
Y: hi
M: you feeling better
M: y/n be honest with me.
M: why DONT you wanna take the chemo?
Y: im scared
M: of the chemo, but there is nothing to be scared of
Y: mattia it's painful and a long process that might not work
M: but what if it does
Y: mattia im scared of being alone
M: alone? I'll be with you
Y: not you won't
M: yes i will
Y: mattia i appreciate everything you have done for me I really do you've saved my life multiple times, but I'm always alone in that house. When your at work I'm alone, the only friends I have can't be with me at all times cause they have lives to live, my mother is too busy running the business.
M: but i-
Y: let me finish, look at first I didn't want to take the chemo because I thought of the pin and the long process of it but now I don't want to take it because all my treatments I'm going to do alone. Besides ok what if I do die, what's the big deal it's not like anyone notices me anyway.

Those words hurt coming out of my mouth and mattia just stood there quite. Until he finally talks

M: y/n the day you came back from the hospital I promised you that nothing and would ever happen to you and that I would protect you, and I'm going to do that now so if I have to take some time off from the business I will, and if you die I die because at the end of the day you are my wife deal or no deal and I vowed to you that I would be there in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live, and I intend to keep that promise because I love you Y/n.

As those words came out of his mouth I had the biggest smile on my face I felt like and idiot. But I didn't care in that moment I grabbed his face and smashed my lips on to his. He placed his hands on my face and slowly synced his lips with mine.

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